250 Parts lifespan

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by dinn, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. Hi guys,

    I am curious how long (distance / age) will last:

    - clutch / DMF
    - injectors
    - turbo
    - exhaust
    - bearing
    - brake pads and discs

    on RS 250 not used on a track.

    Thank you.
  2. Various. Lots of variables on all.
  3. pads all round lasted 2 years (rears more worn than fronts)
    discs at 4 years.
  4. What if I broke harder and later than you ? then it varies.
  5. All depends how the cars treated, theoretically all those components could out live the car itself if driven correctly.
  6. is that a joke
  7. No , its just pointless putting down what you get out of a set of discs and pads. The original question should read :

    How long is a piece of string

    You could have answered then 8 ft.
  8. true.. but id like to think the the op is smart enough to understand that. he's obviously asking for rough estimates based on experience.
  9. From experience , my experience is it varies.
  10. Lol agree with Andy, there is literally no consistency to the answer of that vague to start with question.

    Still I can at least confirm all above mentioned parts will last beyond 13k and 3 years when used for weekend B road blasts but always driven with mechanical sympathy and well maintained. Any help?
  11. I don't do any track days, just every day use.
    I have seen here lot of treads about cleaning injectors, new DMF/Clutch, so I was curious if I need to be ready for any expensive parts change.

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