Wheel spacer bolts needed...

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by DavidSF1, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Right, Iv bought some 20mm wheel spacers for my megane and I need the bolts. There the type of spacer that firstly bolt to the hub and then you bolt your wheels to the spacer. I'm in need of 10 of the bolts which fasten the spacer to the hub. These are a certain type so that they don't protrude out, but I imagine you all know what I mean.

    Anyone have any for sale or know of anywhere that I could buy some? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. Tpi bolts might sell them...
  3. Gray

    Gray RSM Moderator

    You mean the spacers are hubcentric :smile:
  4. I thought hubcentric spacers bared their load on the hub. Non hubcentric spacers bare their load on the bolts. You can have hubcentric spacers which bolt to the hub first and then bolt the wheel to the hub. You can also get hubcentric spacers which you sit on the hub and then use longer bolts to attach the wheels through the spacer and into the hub.

    That's what I always thought or am I wrong?? :confused:
  5. You are correct.

    These are bolt on spacers. They are likely to be hubcentric too

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