Bluefin Handheld - Megane 250 - Reset and ready to go!

Discussion in 'Car Parts For Sale' started by Soulja, May 27, 2014.

  1. It's reset and ready to put a remap on the megane 250!

  2. How did you reset this?
  3. If it's under a year old superchips will reset it free of charge.
  4. Now £230
  5. Any offers before ebay?
  6. £210inc
  7. Any offers on this? I want rid as my megane has gone now.
  8. Now £190inc!
  9. £170! Does nobody want to add up to 50 bhp on their megane 250?!
  10. I think you will struggle with it. People dont rate the bluefin maps at all.
  11. It was fine on my megane. I didn't have any issues.
  12. £150. Bargain price to try a remap and if you don't like it, reset and sell it on.
  13. £130inc!
  14. £115inc
  15. How do these stack up to a map from say, RS tuning?
  16. It was fine on my RS and I didn't notice any knocking at all.
  17. Because you do notice without the tools dont you
  18. 7ubemupu.jpg
  19. £70 if anyone wants it
  20. £50 for it as I'm not sure if the map has expired now so you will still be able to read error codes etc..

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