250 Megane 250 starting issues

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by manderl, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. Hi all,

    I have recently purchased a 2010 Megane RS. Unfortunately the Honeymoon period has been cut a little short due to starting issues. When starting, the engine turns-over many times before eventually firing. I have replaced the Battery and tested the Alternator with a Voltmeter - which is fine. It has also had a full diagnostic which has not revealed any fault codes. Any ideas?


  2. Spark plugs mate.
  3. Cheers, coincidently I was thinking of purchasing a set the other day - I think it's still on the originals after 50k... I have been advised standard plugs are decent enough, although I am planning a remap so should I try and find some Iridium ones, or no point?
  4. Spark plugs should be changed at 37k miles. It will cost you £142 at Renault or about £90 in other garage.
  5. Don't use anything except the OEM plugs mate, the OEM ones were developed specifically for the RS.
  6. OEM plugs NGK IR..IFR7X8G which are iridium coincidentally, I think they are roughly £25 each.
  7. If that fails, crank sensor
  8. £90 for a set of plugs? maybe I've gotton my self the wrong car :eek:
  9. I got genuine plugs for £44 from Ads last month
  10. I've had this issue recently with my r26 , new crank sensor seems to have sorted it,touch wood
  11. Just changed plugs (OEM), no improvement... Crank sensor, or Coil pack maybe? Noticed a 'stuttering' when driven hard (before limiter), something defo not right.
  12. Crank sensor was usually the problem on the r26

    if not the fuel pump isnt priming at all or enough prior to starting. Do you find starting on an incline is worse?
  13. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    If it's missing under load/boost I'd stop driving it that hard until the issue has been properly identified. N/A will run okay lean but a Turbo won't!

    Coils normally present a failure at low-medium speeds in low gears so try this. Also see if the misfire is present at light throttle loads but knowing the Beru coils and how bomb proof they are i suspect a fuelling issue myself (Faulty injector(s) or possibly even a failing fuel pressure regulator).

  14. Going to start with the Crank sensor I think; the seems to be the most common response from this and other Forums. Checked the Coil packs - seem fine. If it's not the Crank sensor then fueling. I guess it's going to be a process of elimination if no apparent faults are evident. And so my bank account will gradually empty...
  15. No, no change if the car is on the flat or incline.
  16. Spark plugs and cam sensor replaced - no improvement. Checked coil packs - all ok; fueling issue maybe?
  17. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    Does it always struggle to start or is it just first thing? Try putting the card in the ignition and waiting a second before pressing the start button.

    It could be a faulty fuel pressure reg but ideally you'll need to measure the fuel pressure and there aren't many people with that equipment believe it or not.
  18. Just out of curiosity mate, what fuel are you using?
  19. I always wait for it to prime before starting, but this doesn't seem to make much difference. I use either Tesco 99' or Shell Vmax, but the problem still exists no matter which fuel I use. After eliminating the other possibilities, the garage think it may be the fuel regulator. I'm going to get a cost for having it replaced, but I can't keep replacing things which 'might' be the problem...
  20. Did you change or clean the crank sensor
  21. Take it to Renault Sport specialist.

  22. A new sensor has been fitted.

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