down on boost and keeps going into limp mode :(

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Torch, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. was fine until i started fiddling about doh!
    decided to refit my recirc from my dv setup however last night the car just didnt feel right, felt like there was a real lack of boost. have changed back to the DV setup however its still performing really poor and has thrown up these codes

    im aware of the AC fault however not sure about the rest
    my gut feeling tells me it could be the boost solenoid ?? is there a test i can do to the solenoid to confirm this ?
    any help really appreciated

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  2. Salty

    Salty RSM Moderator

    have you reset those codes? sometimes you need to reset them for it to work again, i have had it with the aircon where it needs clearing before it will work and the codes you have show are all in memory not present?? just a guess to start :smile:
  3. Yeah have reset but the problem is still there and the codes come back, I'm not worried about the aircon as that needs gassed so is just protecting the circuit :smile:
  4. Salty

    Salty RSM Moderator

    sounds like you've dropped a bollock somewhere then mate :wink: can only think with removing and refitting you've knocked something.
  5. Thats a technical phrase that only them in the spanner trade will understand.

    Its similar to cocking it up
  6. Lol yeah I get that, but seriously everything is tight and where it should be :worried:
  7. Apologies to salty and andybond and a big thank you :smile:. Turns out the bloody boost solenoid pipes were put back the wrong way round :worried: only spotted it when I referenced previous pictures of my engine bay. Massively embarrassed and suitably shamed lol
  8. Easy to make mistakes. Hard to admit to them.
  9. As Del would say, you plonka lol
  10. Salty

    Salty RSM Moderator

    I stand by my comment of dropping a bollock then lol
  11. Yep :tongueout: it's one of those oh F....... moments then what a plonker LOL but it's all good now and pulling hard like it should :smile:

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