R26.R, no.52

Discussion in 'Megane Projects' started by Liver, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Yeah that would be me
  2. Dan


    I'm over Monday till Friday doing the DN days Wed + Thur.

    First time for me in the 26.R..

    Any pointers for the car on track? (I've never driven her on track or a FWD car on track!!)
  3. id say just take your time and respect the ring

    you'll be in your mirrors a lot watching people coming past and bikers appearing from no were

    get used to the track. 99% of getting a good lap is just knowing the circuit

    have fun
  4. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    He is doing DN10 so no worries of Bikes seeing as its a track day.....

    Be careful, take your time and don't attempt to drive it flat out, You are going to be passed by some very quick stuff and some stuff that you wouldn't think was quick, A lot of my friends are doing DN10, Just enjoy yourself and be careful!

    Try and get some tuition if you can
  5. Its not a hard track really. Just the length throws you off. You'll know after a couple of laps on the DN days that you can go flat out quite a lot of the time the r will just stick and keep you pulling! i was there on a TF day a few weeks back first lap 10:20 then on my 9th lap was running 8:45 with traffic.
  6. Dan


    Sorry, I should of said.. I've done around 150+ laps over the years but always in a RWD car (I had a 911 GT3).

    I have never driven a FWD (or the 26.R on any track) car on track before, will the vehicle understeer, will the standard brakes fade, what PSI should I run the R888's hot at???............. These kind of things..
  7. How does the R compare to the GT3?
  8. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator


    This is why people end up in the barriers
  9. You'll be pushing hard to get the R to under steer when the tyres are warm, grip is fantastic dan, you can run R888s quite hot so anywhere around 36-38 will be fine, pads should be ok
  10. its the length. The R26 is a very capable car and can be pushed hard without it hitting it's limits not at one point when I went did it feel unsafe. The issue is without doing a lot of laps you can't remember all the corners.

    Understeer you shouldn't get unless your taking the corner bad. Depending on the weather id run at 28psi.
  11. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    It's not just the corners, there are a lot of surface/camber and subtle changes as well. People think that cause they have watching some videos of the Ring or played it on a computer they know it and push hard, it takes a LOT of laps to even begin to say you know the track
  12. So the annual ring trip went very well.

    The trip over was horrendous driving through the night and day to get there. First problem I hit was in the UK, a lose battery terminal left me with zero power at the services, luckily we spotted this and got that sorted, after that I had no problems at all.

    The weather all weekend was rubbish, only Saturday morning was dry until about 1pm. Due to this I didn't do as many laps as id hoped to, only completing 4 in total. My first lap back at the ring was meant to be a sighter but ended up beating my quickest time from last year with a 9.01 lap, at this point I knew I was getting into the 8's. The quickest lap of the weekend was an 8.47 lap, I was pleased with this, reckon I could have gone quicker but just didn't have the weather to.

    Met some great people and had a really good time, here's the pics















    back home, looking sorry for itself


  13. looks like fun. what front pads are you using? i've got the DS1.11 in, great on track,too noisy for road use.
  14. nice :smile: will be there soon too!

    is that 8:47 BTG or full lap?
  15. im using fedroo DS2500 pads at the minute, the breaks had no problems what so ever, was happy with the set up

    No that's BTG, still a lot of the track to learn really but was happy with the time, unfortunately no footage as my phone didn't have enough memory to record it on Harrys lap timer
  16. One day ill be there
  17. I see u bought it from Essex! Outside jd classics in Maldon!

    nice buy mate
  18. Was there back in April, first time in Megane and really enjoyed it but did not manage to break the 9min barrier - because I drive like a spanner.

    Off again in Sept with about 10 other cars so hopefully will get the job done.


    Attached Files:

  19. I was doing 8:45's the other week but there is so much more than could've done I trying for sub 8:20 btg next time!
  20. yeah theres some nice cars at JD classics, picked the car up about 5 minutes away from there

    was worth two trips, 1 to view then one to pick up

    yeah the cars not the limiting factor, its me. Im starting to learn the track a lot more but still not as well as i'd like

    more laps needed
  21. [​IMG]
  22. its about having fun driving it at the end of the day. No point risking yourself or the car to go for ultimate lap times. Especially with no helmet!! But it seems like your improving massively every visit which is part of the fun as well :smile:

    Iv'e only driven 3 laps and it was the high speed blind stuff where all the time goes, just cannot commit as no knowledge of whats ahead. Hopefully this time will know it a bit better. Whens your next trip out? I'm hoping to do a few laps on 19th July.
  23. Anything under 10mins is good man, starts gettin silly if u chase time, then u end up with a smashed car and a 3k debt to the ring!
  24. Yeah its great fun at the ring, im gutted that the app didn't video any of my laps, Its made me realise I need to but a go pro for sure. I'd have taken my helmet with me few of the other lads did but its in the bodyshop getting painted. I had my gloves but that was all.

    Yeah its knowing if you can go flat our over the blind crest or not and its that knowledge that I struggle with in certain areas, all comes with time. Usually just go once a year but I think theres talk of another trip later in the year with how bad the weather was for this trip

    I had an 8.45 time before I went in my mind, was happy when I pulled out an 8.47 and was happy to settle for that. Next time im out i'll go quicker just because i'll hopefully do a lot more laps and get used to it more. The rings not about the car as such all about track knowledge
  25. Feirny

    Feirny RSM Admin

    Had a sniff around this, this morning. Looks lovely.
  26. cheers mate

    guessing this was at fuelled society?

    saw a couple of meganes
  27. Feirny

    Feirny RSM Admin

    Yeah it was mate, mine was the red one parked with the white.
  28. Yeah I saw you coming in at the entrance
  29. from the ring to a show

    just one wash required

    looks moody here


  30. Looked awesome mine is the white parked with feirny's red at the show
  31. Havn't updated this in a while
    so here goes, nothing much really, once again just been enjoying the car
    just before trax I managed to get myself a track time slot so went out and purchased this little beauty


    cage mounted


    few pics from trax


    on track


    favourite car from trax's, the kid could drive and the car sounded unreal


    here's what's been in the bodyshop, pick this up tomorrow
    Senna inspired helmet, obviously Renault addition with a few of my own little bits thrown in


  32. Do you have the body shop details, I have a lid I'd like painting
    cheers Steve
  33. Helmet looks the bollocks
  34. He's made a nice job of it, what's a rough cost
  35. cheers, yeah really happy with how it came out

    I got this lid done at very good mates rates, they had it and were told to just work on it inbetween jobs

    I paid £150 for he helmet painting but he said it would probably be double that, more so on this design as the lines etc are very tricky and take a lot of painting
  36. Nice helmet you have. Lol

    Had a nosey at your car at Trax, looked stunning. Nice looking brake set up you have there :wink:
  37. That's not the nitro helmet is it, looks completely different helmet To me, vents are in a different place and its a different visor is it not
  38. cheers, haha funny you should say that about the brakes lol

    Yeah its the nitro helmet

    the back helmet piece has been moved lover and further down to help with the look of the helmet, the vents don't work on top now, they didn't need to
  39. Cal


    I know nothing about track racing or helmets, but why a visor?

    Is it not pointless in a car with a windscreen? or is it just how they come?
  40. Advice from Toyo regarding pressures

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