New Headlight unit for R26.R How much?

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by RedSquareImages, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. Mechanic in local repair centre broke the mounts for the projector unit in my headlight. I take it I will now need a whole new unit? Does anyone know how much and the part number for drivers side?

    Pissed off beyond belief.

  2. I think they were about 130 when i asked ads cant remember though
  3. Thanks - Does the number need to come off?
  4. *bumper
  5. yea bumper has to come off
  6. F**K
  7. Each?
  8. Bumper comes off in 5 mins, dead easy
  9. I reckon I could do the whole job in 20 mins
  10. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    25mins but if the garage broke it why are you paying for it?

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