R26 Stage 2 Boost

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by mikeh, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. I looked at the boost gauge on the Scangauge in my R26 for what was probably the first time whilst WOT the other day.

    I notice the boost knocks around 1-1.1 bar. Is this right for RST stage 2? Just a query, as it just seemed a little on the low side, to me.
  2. I thought a stage one was 1.2?
  3. Stage 1 is 1.1-1.2, stage 2 I think is 1.4.
  4. I wouldnt get too hung up on it. If the car is making the power and you are running lower boost to make it , thats a bonus !
  5. Maybe your engine head is going to die :worried:
  6. Stage 2 is about 1.1 - 1.3
  7. Do you've got a BOV? I got one on mine and i noticed my car couldn't held full boost, after searching i found out that the standard spring in the BOV was meant for standard cars, today my new spring come in (If you got a Forge one, open it, if it's green it's standard) it will be a yellow spring and should solve this problem
  8. Yes, I have a Forge recirc valve.

    That's interesting to know, thanks.
  9. my stage 2 was 20psi over boosted to 27psi at one point
  10. On standard turbo and engine interials?? I's impossible...
  11. Did you manage to change the spring in situ, or did you have to remove the valve for it?
  12. Well today i opened up my BOV to find out Forge already fitted a yellow one in it :confused:

    I now have to find out if it's normal to have a peak in boost, mine peaks to 1,4 sometimes but constantly keeps 1,1-1,2 bar
  13. Got forge actuaruor fit? Oem leak at 1.1bar
  14. You made my day sir, you're 100% sure? i'll got to order one right away!
    I bet it's a pain in the ass to fit though
  15. Is more easy futting the actuator than the dv. Im sure get yellow spring to
  16. Thanks, i already have a spare yellow spring, do you still have the solenoid on yours?
  17. Yes same solenoid, i think spring is differente on actuator, dv and bov
  18. Thanks!

    And sorry to hijacked this thread!
  19. On standard broken turbo yes. 19psi i was getting around the ring.
  20. 19psi i have too in my car with standatd turbo but 27psi is impossible :smiley: Turbo will die so fast :wink:
  21. It peaked at that once the gauge was flashing at me as i had an alert on it! it only happened once. Ive had my hybrid hit 29psi once too...
  22. and the turbo was a bit....erm..


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