265 Cars become gutless...

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Ben_r1, May 31, 2014.

  1. Spent all day cleaning the car so thought I'd go for an evening blast, wish I hadn't bothered as I'm not stressing over the bloody thing once more.

    basically a little history first. Car was running Blufin and drove like a dream but was removed after all these findings of lean running. Ran it standard map for a few months and it was super smooth and responsive if lacking some power obviously. Then I was bought an RSTuner with a 265 map so fitted that. Car felt similar to blufin.

    So tonight's the first time I really got to play on an open fast road, I've got to say I'm not very happy with its performance. Basically the turbo lag is atrocious, it seems to take an age to respond to any throttle inputs, then the mid range just feels gutless there's no torque whatsoever. Later on in the evening I also noticed hesitation on partial throttle with the engine under load.

    The mrs obviously thought I was expecting too much from the map so was naturally dissapointed and the car felt quicker to her. To test this i stopped up and selected the 0-60 timer on RS monitor then gave it everything she had, it was a smooth run with minimal wheelspin and good shifts. I recorded a 0-60 time of 6.8 and quatre mile at 15.2!

    So has anyone else experienced any problems? It's very difficult to pin point the exact fault but it just doesn't feel right, the engine just responds slowly to the mushy throttle pedal and there's no urge in mid range. I seriously considering going back to standard and forgetting the whole remap minefield once and for all!
  2. Ben, is your RSTuner box from Henk (Fastchip) or Paul (RSTuning)? Might be worth dropping an email to the supplier and maybe they can tweak the map after a bit of data logging.

    I'm not going to harp on about live mapping as I don't want to re-open that can of worms, but I know that when Paul at RST maps these cars he tweaks the VVT to minimise Turbo lag, don't know if this is possible remotely but there's no harm in asking Paul/Henk.

    Mine was live mapped by Paul (RST) and I have never suffered any noticeable lag.

  3. Where ever you live in the uk it's worth the trip to see Paul, get it mapped propper and be done with it, honestly it's less stress, or better still leave it standard.
  4. I was thinking about remapping, but when I think it could cause some issues I am happy to retain standard map.
  5. There are numerous things that can cause more issues than mapping and this statement doesn't help the OP in any way, he was asking for advice/personal experience from other users that run mapped cars.

    Dependant upon who supplied his Tuning box, once the supplier has been contacted they will probably advise Ben to use the box to do some data logging and then upload the data so that the map can be adjusted/tweaked and any issues will more than likely be resolved.

    The only issues I've had with my car since mapping are:

    More power, faster acceleration, more torque and surprisingly, more MPG.
  6. I've done a few data logs this morning and I'm going to send them off to Henk Monday.

    Its ts boosting to 1.48 bar but the boost graph is very bumpy throughout the powerband. I used the performance analyser ( which was very accurate with the mrs 225 recording 223.1 where a proper dyno recorded 221.9 ) and it came back at 251bhp so there's definitely a problem somewhere.
  7. I'm sure Henk will sort this out for you mate.

    Good luck.
  8. Gutted to hear about your issues mate, hope Henk can get it sorted for and you get the best out your car and enjoy it again
  9. Forgive me but who is Henk and where is he based , I hear a lot about him
  10. Fastchip owner, based in Holland.
  11. The chap who designs the maps, I've no doubt he'll get the issue sorted if it's related to the map at all.
  12. I thought Paul designed the maps
  13. Henk does Fastchip maps and Paul does RS-Tuning but for remote mapping they both supply boxes called RS Tuning boxes (Confusing, I know).

    Both are experts at tuning RenaultSport motors.
  14. Salty

    Salty RSM Moderator

    one is an rstuner from Henk and the other is rstuning from Paul.
  15. Paul uses the rs tuner now for remote mapping, no sure he uses the rs tuning box now.
  16. Quick datalog showing rpm, throttle position and boost. The turbos boost delivery seems too unstable for me, my 225 in comparison is silky smooth.

  17. Have you done any logging with the standard map, just for comparison to rule out any possible issues with Turbo, hoses, actuator, etc?
  18. Like I said before mate, all these plug and play maps are utter p*sh! Pay the money and get it done properly, on the rollers. Then you know it's done right.
  19. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    You mean a tweaked plug and play map on the rollers?
  20. Yeah I agree a custom map is always beneficial and I did learn my lesson with the bluefin, intentions were to keep it stock until I could afford a custom and be bothered to trek it up to RST.

    However someone very kindly bought the RS Tuner for me as a birthday gift so I felt obliged to use it. Henk has been very helpful in the past with me so I'm sure if it's an issue with the software he can correct it.
  21. No I mean I map that's specificaly tailored to how your individual car performs on the rollers under load.
  22. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Which is exactly what I said, even on the rollers it's just a base map that is loaded then tweaked to suit that specific car.....
  23. Indeed it is, but I'm pretty sure Henk can get close to a custom map with a few data logs sent back and forth and a few tweaks to my map. A lot of tuners nowadays simply do a similar thing where they sit in the passenger seat reading the data whilst you drive around making adjustments on the drive.

    Also worth noting what Renault do when building the car is basically a generic map, albeit one with much more safety margin.
  24. Having to send a few logs back and forth i think he's having trouble identifying the problem :worried: It's definitely boost related, last night I was at 4500rpm in 3rd gear at 3/4 throttle and the RS monitor was recording -150mbar.
  25. That boost sensor at the front of the engine in the intake hasnt come loose as it?
  26. I haven't checked that actually but will do, good thinking.
  27. All sensors, hoses and piping is secure to the eye, I'm pretty sure a boost leak would be quite audible and I can't hear anything. Took it out for another data logging session last night and it seemed a little stronger but still lacks mid throttle response, to explain it perfectly it's as though the RS monitor is setup on snow throttle mode, for a given travel of pedal the engine doesn't increase any torque.

    Im tempted to stick it on the dyno at FCS over weekend to see just how low she is...
  28. I don't have mapped car but I'm kinda struggling with one sensor - intake or boost, not sure now, but going to have it fixed 2nd time in a year.. What happens is that Check injection system message goes on, might be for a second or I may stay on for a while. Car performs still kinda same but you can feel it's not as smooth as it should be or was before the Check injection system message. Feels like it does not rev up as fast as before, throttle response is not as immediate, it just does not feel the same.. So try to check for this error message. Mine has been deleted for now because I've went to the garage on thursday and they had to order the sensor so it will be properly fixed tomorrow, but just this delete has helped and the car feels normal now.
  29. I've been sent an updated map as the one I was sent originally isn't compatible with my car, I'll upload it next weekend and see how she performs!
  30. Any updates on this? I have an rstuner already which means I'd just need a license. Keen to hear that its all good
  31. Hi Mitch,

    Ive downloaded the updated map and it has made an improvement although I'm still suffering from mid throttle torque. I was advised by Henk after looking at my datalogs that the Forge DV is very slow to respond to boost fluctuations which could be causing me my poor engine response.

    Ive contacted forge but they are being less than helpful as yet...

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