265 Check injection system

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by fletino, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. Hi guys,
    I guess I'm having a little problem. I was just cruising on a highway when the ''Check injection system'' came up. Did not happen for the first time I've had this already in July and had it checked at the local Renault shop. They haven't find anything wrong and just deleted this message and told me if it happens again they will need to deeper look and do some testing.. What I've noticed before this trouble massage came up - when I put pedal to the metal it feels normal until 5500rpm then I can feel loss in power, It just does not pull like it should. Any ideas what could be wrong? My top guess are injectors but I'm wondering why they did not say this possibility when it happed for the first time :confused:

    Thx a lot for any advices.

    2013-11-16 17.43.19.jpg
  2. Problem solved, it was the turbo pressure sensor, suprisingly good feeling now, the car builds revs faster and easier.

    And sorry about posting this into a wrong section, if it's possible, please move it into the correct one.

  3. faulty sensor or did it come loose?
  4. Faulty sensor from the beggining..
  5. Aaand here we go again, happened twice in past couple of days, gonna go to renault tmrw..
  6. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    If it's the same fault it's a wiring issue rather than the boost pressure sensor. The Laguna II 2.0T had a similar issue caused by vibration in the wiring harness and whilst this isn't a common issue on the X95/Coupe it is entirely possible someone has been working on it in the past and not correctly replaced the wiring harness which has caused the issue.
  7. MicKPM: thx for your reply, well i'm the first owner, car has had just about 12k on the clock when it first appeared and just the basic maintenance has been done since.. i'm booked on next thursday so we'll see.. Just btw it has came up while driving 155mph on a highway so I've stept off the throttle and it went back to normal, the other day I was driving thru a long tunnel without the traffic so I've stept on it and there it was again, same issue next day but I was driving a bit slower.. So it might be even the injectors I guess
  9. I know this was a long time ago, but did you find the cause of this issue?

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