hi all. can anyone tell me where i can find the code for my locking wheel nut key? renault say i need it to get a replacement, got the sticker inmy service book with the radio, ignition key code ect but no mention of locking nut key.. thanks in advance
It always says that code. Anyway Renault may get code from their system. They got mine both: radio and wheel nut key codes.
when i went in they just said find the code.. i have every code but the one i need, they had no clue where too look since it wasnt in the box they just suggested service book. the dealer is a sport specialist too
Any garage will remove them for you but you will need a replacement set as they will be knackered in the process
No I have it and took it with me to the dealer but it's either been ripped off or was never put on. Could it be this?
No its in my service book. No sticker or number on the box. I'll just take it in and ask the question
Lock nuts seem to be weak to me the keys break and slip of the nuts easily I have fitted these now there's no lockers but they are a different design which I doubt many wheel thieves would have in there pocket or there's tpi bolts which are also a good upgrade and neither rust like standard bolts
Here we go :cool: So Renault didn't know that code is on that label? Actually, I think I will stick my label in the service book as you have. In case of loosing box I will retain key code.
AEZ have some very very god locks. They don't slip, are in some way impossible to take off with classic lock nut removers etc etc... My recommendation if anyone can find em
My dealer is totally useless it's always one of my last stops when I need something.. previous owner must have moved it into the book.. fingers crossed my key is still available