Steering Grinding noise at slow speed. 250

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by josh250, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Hi Guys.

    Car has started making a weird grinding noise like something is catching somewhere when parking and turning the wheel from side to side. Bit worried as seems to be getting worse! any suggestions as to what it is ?

  2. You sure its not the lsd? That knock/grinds at lower speed whilst manouvering.
  3. Is it only one direction? on full lock..
  4. No I'm sure its not LSD, I know that noise its not the same as that. Its when you turn for example when reversing from lock to straight or the other direction as though its catching on something and it's quite loud. Bit embarrassing to be honest.
  5. My R26 is doing a similar thing to this, but as well as the noise the steering has become very heavy and doesn't want to self centre. Does yours have a problem with self centring or feel heavy? Like you say, it feels like something is catching.

    The problem with mine has been intermittent though. With the car almost becoming un drivable at some points (wanting to pull me into the kerb and having to fight with the wheel almost like I had no power steering to keep straight) and then fine for a week or so. I guess it may have started with just the noise coming from the steering, but I didn't really pay attention until the steering actually felt off.

    The car is going into Renault on Thursday so I guess I may have more information then.
  6. Nope steering is absolutely fine at the moment, does as it should just makes the noise when turning at very slow speed in a different direction. Very odd!
  7. I know you've said grinding but can you describe it a bit better? Do you think it's the tyre catching on something or?
  8. Thought I would update you.

    Mine went to Renault today. Turns out it needs a new steering column.

    They quoted £1610 but will discount it to £1300....
  9. For that kind of price, id just put up with the noise until other symptoms develop lol.
  10. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Fuck about!!! How come they discounted it?
  11. I wish it was just the noise that was the problem, I could live with that for a while. It's the times when it feels like I have no power steering that's the main problem.

    As I'm a "regular customer" they always try and offer me as much discount as possible. Seems to be my second home that place. Their even on first name terms with me I'm there so often lol.
  12. Wow thats bad ! I am pretty certain mine isn't that serious it only makes a noise when weight on it and parking so going from lock to lock.
    Had it looked at today and its apparently the top suspension mount is warn so is making that noise. The grinding is the bearings in it.

    Yeah it sounds like its catching on something but makes a creaking noise then occasionally a grinding noise. This would make sense that its the suspension mount, because its near side and takes all the abuse from drains, potholes etc. I am just frustrated its going to be more cost. Also one of the ball joints is worn so could be contributing to it so thats going to be replaced too.
  13. Did you get this fixed? Think mines playing up too now.
  14. I had it looked at and they thought it was a top suspension mount. I left it for a few days and it disappeared! There must have been some grit or stones caught in it somewhere and they freed themselves up as its now absolutely fine !
  15. The 250 check your lower hub joints as I had a 250 making a odd grinding sound.
    Naithdog sounds the hub bearings and not the column.
  16. I've got a lower ball joint on order as its got play in it so thats going to be replaced soon anyway!
  17. Thanks.

    From doing a bit of research over the past couple of days, I think you are right about it being hub bearings and not column.

    I'm currently in contact with Renault UK as they offered a contribution towards new steering column. I have now asked if they will transfer my case to a different dealership for a second opinion. At this point though I'm pretty certain it's not steering column.
  18. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    Hub bearing that. I'd put a £10 note on it.
  19. Yeah I've got the same problem. Got a lovely knocking on both sides and every now and again a horrific squeaking.
  20. Knocking will be the ball joints I would say as thats what mine does.

    Mine has become very vague in right turns do you think this is the ball joint movement thats causing this? Anyone have any other ideas? Maybe bushes?
  21. Markblack@MRS

    Markblack@MRS RSM Trader

    Lower hub ball joint
  22. Is that whats causing the vagueness in the steering? Great thanks. Ive got one of these on order so once thats changed hopefully be ok !
  23. Markblack@MRS

    Markblack@MRS RSM Trader

    Will cause knocking, grinding noises and vague steering
  24. as i said before as the bearing/bush wears more movement and less feel in that part
  25. had the bottom pivot ball joint replaced today. It had so much play in it . Car feels incredibly good now ! Much more confidence in it.
  26. This is the ball joint in the hub carrier, right?
  27. And did you order it from the polish eBay seller?

    I'm sure it's the same ball joint used on the clio that R sport can supply but no one can confirm it.
  28. Yes its the one in the carrier mate. And I ordered i from the polish ebay seller. had no problems at all and it came within about 5 working days. I think they are the same as the clio but not sure so don't hold me to it. Not sure exactly which one the clio uses.
  29. Can you post a link to the ebay page??
  30. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Search eBay for Megane 250 Balljoint.

    AFAIK the ones the polish seller lists are the same ones as the N4 Megane uses hence the solid joint with no rubber boot

  31. Yep as Jamie said, just search ebay for Megane 250 balljoint and it will come up. There are a few but all the same seller. The lower pivot one is the more common one to fail and is the one I had changed.
  32. Found it thanks. I'm thinking it's something I'm going to have to do soon. Keep hearing a knocking noise when I go over the speed bumps coming out of work. Are they simple enough to change? They look straight forward.
  33. Yes the knocking is the start of it. And wayward steering and grinding noises when you go from lock to lock when parking.
    I didn't do mine I got a guy I know to do it as I am not good at mechanics! He said it would be simple but he had to drill out one of the bolts and rethread it. Other than that you should be fine.
  34. I ordered one last night. It's a push fit joint though isn't it? So will need doing in a press. I'll take mine into work with the hub carrier and do it. I'm hoping it's fairly straight forward.

    Can't wait to get rid of the knocking! It's doing my head in.

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