R26 Silencer chop with decat

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by ChrisC, May 8, 2014.

  1. Hi everyone,

    Im looking for a bit more noise on the megane, I don't want it too loud or to drone so I'm looking for the best option with a decat fitted, I mean when I say I don't want it being too loud I just don't want stupidly loud, I don't mind it being a bit louder on idle or pottering around but wanted more noise when pressing the loud pedal lol.

    I've been doing some searching on both forums, and I've found lots of threads on the backbox chop and centre box chop, but couldn't see too many with decats and what they had done.

    Searching around I've read some say the centre box removed will drone a little, but is the quieter option? The back box will be a really loud and some the other way around. So just looking for a better idea of what to expect basically and what may be best option.

    if anyone has any decent vids too that'll be great, again I've tried looking thigh YouTube but it brings up mostly people with full systems with decat or just a silencer delete with cat in place still, or the video wasn't best quality so couldn't really decide lol.


  2. Markblack@MRS

    Markblack@MRS RSM Trader

    Back box chop
    Sounds great on full chat
  3. Want to know this as well cause I want to modify the rear box and with decat and still be under 105db
  4. Back box removal is the most popular (I've had it done) as it has a nice rumble, pop and bangs a little but doesn't drone. Midbox removal is louder, you lose the megane 'whistle' and it can drone at higher speeds. Hope this clears it up for you
  5. Iv been thinking of doing a back box chop, anybody know of somewhere in the Birmingham area?
  6. Glynn-Speak to Fred at BTM, he can sort for you
    Mines there at the mo-having it done!
  7. Great, well it's booked in for a service which I need to move the date actually so I will speak to him about it, get it done at the same time. Thanks
  8. Ive got a Pure Motorsport 2.75" system on order decat with no boxes should be a nice noise :smile:
  9. no boxes?, think that might be a tad loud bud, I've just had a 3" full system made for mine with a back box only and that's a fair bit louder than the scorpion it replaced. Mines decatted too. Be interested in a vid of this buddy.

  10. Ill post one up when its fitted mate, hoping its going to be loud but not saxo with a 6" bean can loud!
  11. Do pure Motorsport offer a system with no silencers. As I have a standard system with none but would like an upgrade.
  12. up. Sorry
  13. this is certainly clears it up a little, thanks :smile:
    does anyone have the backbox chop with decat fitted and have any vids?
  14. I've got a backbox chop with decat fitted! Its reasonably quiet just cruising around but as soon as you open it up the sound is immense! I'll try and get some videos at work tomorrow!
  15. I don't have any vids but fred said je could do the chop but wanted quite a bit of cash for it so I took it to an exhaust garage in Coventry ... well worth it mate!
  16. I spoke to nick yesterday and he is going to get one made up and ordered for me, its worth ringing him

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