Hopefully no one here.. 2009 content.

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by Dan, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Dan


    Another one gone :worried:

    Attached Files:

  2. Ouch were did u see this ?
  3. Oooo that looks abit sore :/
  4. Dan


  5. I was only talking to someone yesterday about how many r's have been written off lately.
  6. Liquidf1

    Liquidf1 Forum Trader

    Donkeys years old the car was only afew weeks old and was one of the first customers R's this happened at a meet.
  7. That is going back to feb 2009 iirc. It was the Leicestershire meet.
  8. Number 6 IIRC :wink::tongueout:
  9. wasnt that the Griff meet a few years ago that
  10. It was shippo. A bit snowy & greasy. 888's were to blame I think. I have a pic somewhere with the sign still embedded in the front.....
    dare I say the good old days. :smile:
  11. Geez goin back six years you lot are purists lol im new blood only owned a meg six months lol
  12. Dan


    Was it put back on the road?
  13. Number 6 lol
  14. :wink: x
  15. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    it was chris, blue diamond. yeh it was fixed up. he's got a mental EVO X now. on here too iirc.
  16. lol at spud on the phone
  17. Nick

    Nick RSM Moderator

    No 13

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