recirc to blanking plate

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by denbers, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. now looked at a thread on here about just replacing the recirc valve with a blanking plate. im keen for this chatter rather than the woosh for a change. but just needing clarification if this is in fact a safe thing to do?
    comment below sounds as if its perfectly fine:

    "Couldn't find any failures so picked something up from google instead?

    It's been covered many times that the Meg (and very few turbo cars) does not produce enough pressure to cause any damage, it's just air flowing back over the vanes. Your foot to the floor with the turbo fully spooled puts way more stress on it. If you're worried about stressing the turbo then I suggest you don't bother putting your foot down.

    Better explanation from Meganesport:

    Same if mapped or not mapped. The TD04 on the car simply can't produce the level of airflow neccesary to do any damage. The pressure on the tips of the compressor wheel blades when at full chat is a lot more than when the throttle butterfly closes and the residual charge dissipates through the compressor - you have to remember when you lift there is no 'drive' behind the compressor wheel anymore."

    cheers :smile:
  2. What your doing is stalling the turbo. Your putting pressure back on the turbo. Imagine being in reverse high rpm then putting it straight into first. Ok not massively the same but a kind of situation you can see.
  3. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Your not stalling the turbo!

    The noise is purely the air going back through the turbine.

    I have had a blanking plate on my RS250 running 1.5 bar for a year or so now. Done several track days and about 15k including Ring and Spa and the turbo has ZERO play in it.

    The "issues" are purely internet bullshit by people who don't have a clue or first hand experience.
  4. I believe the OEM recirc valve is only fitted to the turbo to prevent the noise as it's considered undesirable by manufacturers, I think technically it's called a noise suppression valve or something like that.
  5. I had this setup on mine and it was absolutely fine except I noticed a slightly more delay in turbo spool between gear changes. So I put my dump valve back on seems better now.
  6. seems like it is just internet nonsense about damaging turbos by doin this. iv never heard any problems from it just wanted to see how many other folk thought similar. cheers guys think ill purchase a blanking plate. least iv still got the recirc incase i get fed up of the chatter.
  7. So are you saying your gonna swap the stock recirc for a blanking plate and have no BOV?
    I'm curious that's all. I have an itg induction and the dump is rather loud with that so wondered what your setup may be like.
  8. I've got a Ktec induction kit plus blanking plate - the chatter is a completely different sound to a whoosh obviously but it isn't quiet!

    This is a short recording I took a while ago, couldn't get full throttle but it at least gives you an idea of the sound.

    NIK R26 likes this.
  9. Ah nice one Rob, for what it's worth il give one a bash! :smile:
  10. thats the sound im after :smile: btw whats the best way to fit this plate? as i know access to the lower bolt is a pain! move the air filter pipe?
  11. 10 mm spanner with a ground down ring end.
  12. cheers :smile: does anything else need movin out the way?
  13. On the 250 I found it much easier to remove the intake pipe off the turbo to gain access to the lower bolt, but the hardest one is the far left bolt which is very close to the head. Your biggest problem is dropping the very small and fiddly bolts as you can bet your luck they won't come back out the bottom of the bay!
  14. Yep i dropped my bottom bolt and it didnt come out couldnt find it anywhere lol i had to get a new bolt i found the bottom the hardest
  15. yeah i think ill release the intake pipe did look to make it easier. ill take extra care with that one bolt then, iv drop other bolts before and been lucky enough to get them from the undertray. knowing my luck butterfingers will take affect. cheers dudes
  16. Might be an idea to pack under it with a rag to catch if they drop unfortunately i didnt think o that at the time
  17. I've got my bov on a switch so I can have chatter when ever I want.

    I used a boost control valve off a ford escort rst to block the vacuum to the bov, very easy to do.
  18. how do I do this?
  19. it does sound interesting!
  20. when i go to take the intake pipe for the turbo off, were the sensor bits attatch do they just pull out the pipe?
  21. Tbh if you don't know what your doing take it to someone who does. It'll save you headache if it goes wrong. :smile:
  22. i know what im doin bar this part, hence the quick question :tongueout: but if push comes to shuv i shall get someone to look.
  23. Ive got a blanking plate on mine mate with no dump valve and its veen absolutely fine mate, no issues at all and sounds great IMO, been using that set up for about a year or so now
  24. Hi james, I have bought the manual shut of valve but it doesn't seem to bypass the dump valve. Here's how I have it connected
    is that correct?
  25. Looks basically the same as how I have mine.

    When you close the valve does it stop the vacuum to the bov?
  26. It does but I loose almost all power and when idling it can hear air escaping from somewhere.
    The dump valve stays open which I guess is the problem?
  27. Only close it with the engine not running.
  28. Mine is on a switch so I only switch mine off when making a little boost to keep the pressure against the spring.
  29. got the plate fitted, easier than i thought only took 45 mins haha chatter doesnt seem too loud tho
  30. thanks mate. works a charm. Is it me being paranoid or do you loose some power when the dump valve isn't on? I swear the spool time takes longer, maybe half a second or so.
  31. You wont loose any power but as you say spool time is slightly slower between gear changes. Do you like the sound?
  32. Yes I love it. It's so loud. Even the skylines around my way aren't as loud :wink:
  33. Danp what size (mm) valve did you buy for the vaccum hose?


  34. 8mm but depends on the size of tube going to and from the dump valve.
  35. James157,

    Can you remember which size valve it was you bought to fit in the vacuum hose line? My vacuum hose is 4mm internal diameter and 8mm external diameter . . .

    The size of the valve it doesn't state whether it is internal or external diameter??

    Also I currently have a boost gauge hooked up to the vacuum so my question is which side would the valve go to ensure no boost leaks and the gauge still functions.

    Pretty sure on the above just double checking really.



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