I highly recommend Halfords car polish, maybe better tban autoglym and a high quality finish by all accounts!
Using autoglym from the car was new, but seen an offer of 3 for 2 in halfords, thought I'd give it a try.
The only Halfords branded product I would consider putting anywhere near my car would be an air freshener.
I think even using there air freshener would be pushing it haha. Much better products to be had online. Some of the megs and AG stuff is worth getting when its on 3 for 2 though. Dave
9 times out of 10 I think your just paying for a name with all these fancy car cleaning companies ( Dodo juice, AF, Poorboys etc ). Some of the halfords stuff is very capable and as said the 3 for 2 offer can get you fantastic savings.
Try using some of this halfords "polish" which will probably contain some low quality synthetic wax via machine and you'll soon see the difference between that and something from poorboys SSR range. If your working by hand you better off with a dedicated wax or sealant to gain some paint protection rather than polish that wont remove swirls and doesnt offer the same level of protection. AG HD wax or some of the liquid waxes that megs product would be more cost effective due to there durability. Davr
Cost is not always a sign of an amazing product but people get dragged into the snobbery of products, I guess in the same way as many kinds of things really. I know for instance that the RRP of one particularly funky and cleverly branded (and good don't get me wrong) brand is double the cost price to the supplier. Just an indication that the contents of the bottle/jar might cost you a lot more depending on the packaging yet the products are identical.
Haha well I wouldn't like to say exactly. All I will say is that I've seen the price list (my mate was a supplier of a specific brand) and I know I bought a pot of wax for £40 which normally retails for £65 and my mate still made about £5 on it and he wasn't buying in huge bulk. I am away for another brand which comes in black bottles who have their products made in the same labs as a friend of mine and his detailing brand. Where he sells his sealant for about £14 a bottle, this other brand sell the same product give or take for about £20.
Cars are available for less so will be bought by those with less, who will therefore pay less towards good parts, maintenance and protection. By all accounts.
The other sealant is in a clear bottle. My friends brand is Serious Detailing but not the same word as the other company I'm thinking of
In fairness the product that you use has a minimal effect. The majority of the impact is technique. Probably 80% technique 20% products. The main difference is that some are easier or more pleasant to use than others. The rest is snob factor. Every now and again someone on DW will post amazing results from using pound shop products.
Technique and preparation. It's all in the prep work. So many people I see on forums will go buy a fairly expensive wax and think it'll make their car look better because it was expensive. Where as you could go and spend £50 on a bunch of Autoglym gear, clay the car, polish and protect it. It'll look better than just slapping on £100 worth if designer wax!!
AF then lol most* detailing brands now buy from the same suppliers/manufacturers. Im seeing a lot of products that are the same across multiple brands but in different bottles and different prices
Trouble is people lap up the expensive products assuming they're so much better or just getting off on them being designer! Irony is that a handful of gear from Halfords in the hands of the average person will bring up a car as good as a load of really expensive products.