Re setting electric windows

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Andy_C, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. I know this has been covered loads of tea but I can't find anything on my phone when I search for it.

    How do you reset the windows on an R26 after you have disconnected the battery?
  2. R26


    Hold the close button for about ten seconds whilst the windows are closed.
  3. Is that with the engine running or the ignition on?
  4. I think either work, but i've always done mine with the ignition on
  5. I Put mine all the way down then all the way up it then knows the limits always worked
  6. When I tried to do it with the ignition on they went down about an inch and then stopped. If I take my finger off the button and put it back on it goes down another inch. Think I'll disconnect the battery again and reset them straight away.
  7. its the regulator, exactly what mine were doing, no amount of reseting will sort it.
  8. Probably not. The windows do this every time you have the battery disconnected.
  9. Mine did this after disconnecting ghe battery would only move an inch or so just held them at the top as said above for about ten secs worked a treat
  10. So hold the button up? How long for?
  11. Lower them right down then right up and hold switches up for ten fifteen secs after they stop at te top worked fine after that
  12. Cool. I'm in work now so will try it after service.

    Thanks bro.
  13. No worries happy to help
  14. Just did it and it worked a treat. Thanks again mate.
  15. Yes well done me :tongueout:
  16. i didn't read the bit about battery disconnected : ( doh

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