Forza 4-RSMegane series.

Discussion in 'Technology Chat' started by R26Chris, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Anyone on here play Forza 4? We should setup an RSmegane race series/group. Any interest in this?
  2. I have the game but I haven't played it in a long time cos playing it on xbox live always ended up being a demolition derby with the 14 yr olds! Would be up for playing a game or two..
  3. I'm game mate, aslong as it on the 'ring lol.

    Bluediamond013, add me up. You got many credits?
  4. Why do I need credits?:confused:
  5. Need credits to buy new cars/upgrades/etc don't you?

    My username is F1Racer81, add me up as well.
  6. Ewant81 knows the score :wink:

    Was going to offer you some but instead of that, Ill offer it up as prize winnings if this kicks off :smile:
  7. We used to do this on

    It'd be a weekly "Time Attack" rather than races as it was easier to organise. Cant remember the Class of the the Clio but I'd just got mine how I wanted it and the series faded away.

    I'd be up for doing it again though Ive not played Forza/Xbox in months !
  8. race chris at your peril i reckon he could do the ring with his eyes shut!
  9. I'll look into setting it up this eve! Exciting!
  10. Any thoughts on the 4 character club tag?
  11. We do this with Clios and also recently did a Touring Car series.. Great Fun..

    ljbridgeman is my Xbox gamer tag if any of you want to add me..
  12. RSM,RMEG,RENO,R26r,etc?
  13. RSMC-Renault Sport Megane.Com?
  14. Yes!!
  15. Done!
  16. Bugger. That's taken already.
  17. RSM. Does it even matter?lol
  18. R5MC was the nearest I could get in the end.
  19. Who wants to be co-leader? It says the first person I invite will be co leader. Haha!
  20. Sent out friend invites to all who have put them up here. My user is Chr1st0phe.
  21. The club is called RSMegane and is set to receive requests. Fire away.
  22. I've whacked a few cars in the Club garage now. Including a Baja spec Ford F150 raptor.....
  23. I already have my own club but if you need any cars for the garage gimme a shout mate :smile:

    The time attack is a good idea aswell. Done this a few times with the Evo boys
  24. Cheers mate. Not exactly been bowled over with interest so far!
  25. Lol, if all else fails mate ya welcome to join my club :smile: iv got loads of cars/paints/tunes
  26. stellakid add me I used to play tag every night but nearly ended in divorce, I have a good few cars to put in garage :-)
  27. Added you mate!
  28. Cheers mate! It'd be nice to get one going on here if we can.
  29. I will join the club, not tonight mind you! Will get to it sometime this week, hopefully Thursday night :smile:
  30. Thought I'd have a play with some Renaultsport lovelyness, this is far from finished. 2.1 super charged, around 360bhp on A class.

    Id like to make a some kind of cup race replica, will have a look for some pics on the interweb when I get chance....

    Unless someone can point me towards a pukka Renault livery I can try to copy ? :smile:

  31. Daz


    Shame I don't have 4 anymore, I traded it in ages ago! I only kept 3 because it's worth bugger all and I use the usb stick that came with it :smile:
  32. That is mega!
  33. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    I'll get in on some of this action some time. Can never remember my gamer tag though.
  34. Cheers mate :smiley: it needs a decent set of cup sponsor logos, will have to study some Clio pics later and start knocking some up :biggthumbup:
  35. I wish I had the skill to make these amazing paintjobs. Or the patience.
  36. It takes some practice mate lol. Many a time I get half way thru a design and wish I'd never started it. The skeleton thing on this took a couple of weeks to finish, think it took about 500 layers =/

    But the end results am usually worth it, I sold a wrx with this design on for 94 million the other week lol
  37. Fooooook! That's some patience. Do you do it through the Xbox controller?!
  38. Yes mate all done on the controller :smile:
  39. Christ that's even more impressive! There ought to be some kind of design package for a desktop or laptop where you can upload the design to Forza.
  40. I think you can get a lead that plugs into your pc so you can trace detailed images but I'm not computer savvy enough for something like that :worried: some of the photo realistic designs people do are truely incredible and most do it purely on the Xbox/controller

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