Dump Valve with forge T piece

Discussion in 'Car Parts For Sale' started by Krissg, Feb 25, 2014.

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  1. Hey, I have a used but good condition dump valve with a blue forge T piece.
    i can't find any brand markings on the dump valve itself and was on the car when I bought it so I'm not sure what it is.
    It sounds nice and not too loud.
    £50 posted.

  2. I'm also open to offers and would swap it for a straight through replacement. (Blue samco)
  3. Stuck a bid on! Wanting a DV but ive got yo get tyres asap so ill see what sort of price this goes to!
  4. Ye that's the gamble with eBay! Haha
  5. Ash87

    Ash87 RSM Moderator

    Sold mine on there last week for £64 i thought i wouldnt get that much tbh
  6. Ye I looked at your link to see how much it went for, pleasant surprise for the seller. Haha
  7. About to be a bargain on the bay...
  8. Im sure it will rise tomorrow mate!
  9. Bollocks! Just got back into my work to see that i was just outbid and didnt have good enough signal to raise my bid :worried:
  10. Haha ye I should have set it to finish at tea time!
  11. My tip is always to have a auction finish around 8. You tend to get a higher selling price due to more accessibility.
  12. Agreed for sure but I wasn't expecting a great deal for it anyway! :smile:

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