Hi Is anyone here using the torque app for android or iphone? I am considering it but just wanted to know what OBD bluetooth adapter people are using? Thanks
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Interface...oth-Auto-Car-Diagnostic-Scanner-/310722531793 F me is it a mission getting to the port on the 250/265's though!
It is. But i echo GrumpyTwig's comments, the panel is a PIA to remove the first time as you struggle to get any kind of proper leverage on it due to the overhang from the keycard slot directly above it
I found the easiest way was to get a small Allen key locked in some mole grips then you can slot the 90 degree bend of the Allen key behind and use the grips to pull back.
Have a look at this thread for some info on the Torque app : http://www.rsmegane.com/showthread.php?1781-Torque-on-android&highlight=Torque I recently downloaded it and bought a dongle off eBay. Works really well.
Yeah that's the one! Only about £6 off eBay, works really well. Had it plugged in permanently since I bought it and not affected the battery or anything.
Ha you've just reminded me that I have my bluetooth one still plugged in. Been there for over a month now.
I've gone for a wifi dongle thing instead of Bluetooth as I'm using an iPhone, seen a lot of reviews saying that iPhones won't connect to the Bluetooth ones
Got mine working, great wee app and dongle setup for 8 quid, really useful info, especially if you think something might be wrong with your car. Gladly mine has no ecu faults stored etc...I didn't think it would, but good to know, and lots of useful temp gauges that don't appear on the rs monitor.
If I can figure out how to get any of the apps reading the wifi obd2 il be getting dash command as it's supported by my appradio Gauges should look lovely on that screen