Megane CC RS Progress Thread

Discussion in 'Megane Projects' started by Stiggy, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. I love it, keep up the great work!!
  2. Just a little teaser photo for now, been far too busy for photos. Will take some on Sunday and post them.
  3. Things seem to be going well with the build Stiggy, need more pics ! Looking forward to seeing it finished
  4. Little update: (Please excuse the terrible photos)

    We managed to fully rebuild the engine, change all gaskets and give it a nice clean. The engine fitted in really really well, replaced the subframe and steering rack and wired the whole lot in. Also added a short shifter, Dump valve and replaced all the hoses with black forge silicone ones.
    Think many will agree that the engine looks at home.

    Starting the car wasn’t as successful as there was obvious complications with the immobiliser and the ECU, Lee in scunny came up for some parts and said it was probably the immobiliser so we stuck the old megane cc ECU in to see what happened, the car went a little crazy but it started! Just need to get the ECU coded.

    While the ECU is away getting coded we set to on the rear axle. Looks like a straight swap but it should keep the CC in line with double the BHP.

    We dropped the boot floor to swap it with the R26 floor, hoped it would fit as the CCs floor its a really funny shape and wont allow for the R26 exhaust. Well we found out where the extra length in CC comes from! The boot overhang. The boot floor was never going to fit so we cut and modified the CCs floor.

    To tidy things up and to protect agaisnt heat we have added a heatshield on to the modified area, not a bad job to be honest.
    When we went to put the bumper reinforcement back on after a garage kindly removed my old one we came across what looked like 2 chunks of metal on a bracket, took them off and OMG they are so heavy, really not sure what they are for but the R26 never had these and with them in place the bumper reinforcement wouldnt fit.

    Heres a few extra photos of the project and yes the dust is killing me!
    Old rear axle with very small springs and brakes.
  5. One thing that really surprised us was the roofline height. We have a Megane R26 sat near it with no wheels and its roofline is actually higher! This thing will sit so nicely when finished.
  6. Brilliant work there you have done an amazing job
  7. Looks like its coming along nicely - can't wait to see this project finished.

    Noticed that the brake m/c was still sitting in the R26 - are you planning to swap that over, too? I think they're a larger bore diameter in the R26 which will change the pedal feel somewhat.
  8. We found that it was the same part:smile: so didn't need to swap it over, quite lucky really as I hate removing glove boxes lol
  9. Brilliant thread mate, kudos for even attempting it and I'm sure it'll be so worth it when finished.
  10. Daz


    Not that long now it seems!
  11. Nope not too long, getting all the paint tidied up and a new front bumper then it's ready to hit the road. It will be at the French car show :smile:
  12. WOW ! Awesome
  13. Thanks for all your comments :smile: it's going to be an amazing car! Not as quick or handle as good but it will be as good as a CC can be. If only Renault made it, would have saved so much hassle!
  14. Nice to see your finally getting there joe. Did the rear axle fit ? Also did you get your ecu sorted. If not Paul at Rs tuning will put the r26 software on your cc ecu.
  15. Rear axle has fit with modifications to floor. Not so bad but we had to make it fit for the rear brake size. Hopefully getting the ecu sorted on Thursday but if not il have to send it to Paul.

    Il get more photos up on Thursday, should be able to get her outside in the sun:smile:
  16. Ash87

    Ash87 RSM Moderator

    Good progress, nice to see it done properly rather than just bumpers and wheels then calling it a rep.

    We have at least one CC in work a week at the mo, they seem to leak like a sieve!
  17. Luckily for me my CC has been faultless. I had it as a "rep" but it was annoying it never went as fast as it looked.

    Having trouble with the ECU so it is being sent out to RStuning to get sorted.
  18. Rear axle was fitted today:smile: photos to follow
  19. Never had to do so much work that has been such a pain in the ass as this has been lol
  20. Welcome everyone to the man responsible for this beast of a car
  21. What an amazing build. I'm glad you are doing it properly rather than the badges, bumpers and wheels bs.
  22. Thanks:smile: it's gonna be an amazing car, just need to get a shift on now as I want to drive it!
  23. Sorry for the lack of updates. Been working very hard on the CC. I will do a proper update but here are the most up to date photos.


  24. What profile are those tyres?
  25. Daz


    Good got they're massive!
  26. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Looking good. Can't wait to see this finished.
  27. They are winter tyres, think they are 45s lol they will be getting swapped to the normal size. What is everyone running?
  28. ahh that will be why lol 40's are the normal.
  29. Have you got your ecu sorted yet joe.
  30. Lee

    still waiting for it to come back, sold some bits to SC auto electrics so sent it to him.
  31. I am getting the ECUs back on Tuesday so will do a video of the first start up:smiley: it's just one of them moments, if it catches fire and melts the car Il make loads on youtube haha.
  32. Well we got the Megane CC RS running today. Had a few issues that someone on here may be able to shed some light on.

    First of all she started up really well, no burning smells or anything. The engine ticks over nicely and sounds great inside the bay. The exhaust however, although just running mid box and nothing after it sounds boomy and not a solid tone, not overly noticeable tho. If you step inside the car tho it's a different story! The pedals and steering have slight rumbling coming through them and under revs it's really bad! The revs climb and fall quite slowly but could be DMF to blame for that. The vibrations are less bad but still present on the road and very apparent under acceleration.

    Secondly the clutch seems quite light and although it will after a couple of goes, doesn't like 1st or reverse, again it's better on the move all other gears engage fine.

    Lastly the big problem. While driving it the brake felt normal, nice pressure and ok performance(not brembo standards tho) pulled up nicely. After driving it a short while the pedal pressure dropped, ABS light came on and the braking force slowly reduced to almost nothing. Had to park up to investigate.

    After pulling over we noticed the brembos were catching the discs on both sizes, both extremely hot and had made marks and grooves! This problem was made worse by turning left hand down, it's like it automatically braked and metal on metal could be heard.

    We are going to strip brakes down but thought I would check to see if anyone had any similar issues before.

    Thanks in advance
  33. All working now. Car was vibrating due to a bolt holding the mount in being too long and touching the chassis!! We sorted the brake issue by dismantling the caliper and refitting. All fine until a suspected coil pack failure:worried:
  34. Car did around 99 miles before the engine let go:worried: absolutly gutted with the amount of work put in. We think that the cambelt was not tight enough and has jumped causing damage. The car will turn over now but not firing up. We found no compression also so all pointing towards to bent valves. Not sure how the bottom end has faired but its not looking good for the beast:worried:

    Need to get the head off and see the damage. The amount of money added to the build could have had forged internals but not now:worried: Hope I can get her back on the road asap.
  35. Oh no, and with all your hard work too. I've been loving this thread.
  36. Gonna get it dismantled and find out what went wrong. It's set me back but going to be at the French car show. Il get some more photos up soon aswell.
  37. Right I haven't done many updates due to problems with the car and lack of time. I have managed to get it clean today for the first time, the amount of dust from the unit it was built in was shocking but it's looking better now.

    Before anyone asks the car is not running, we need to strip the head on Tuesday to see why not. Anyway the important part is it did run, it was fast and attracted many peoples attention.

    First one, Recaros fitted in nicely and cleaned up


    The important part. (Ignore the dirt!) everything in here has been changed, engine, gearbox, steering rack, subframe the lot. The car feels so different on the road now.

    Just waiting on engine cover so I can paint it liquid yellow :smile:


    Work in progress here, exhaust needs making as the floorpan is vastly different from the r26. Rear bumper grills will be painted gloss black and fitted to a newly painted bumper.


    Brembos sitting nicely on the cc! Still looks weird when I look at it.


    Front bumper was replaced as the old one has a hole in it. Needs painting :smile: if anyone wants a cheap repair job bumper I am looking to sell.


    Need to get summer tyres rather than these massive winters and probably lower it on cooksports as it's a touch to high.


    This one speaks for itself


    More interior shots


    5 to 6 speed and a short shifter to boot!


    Hope everyone likes the photos. Many thanks to everyone that has offered advice, parts and given great feedback. Glad it's almost over tho now.
  38. Hugely impressed mate, I'm not normally into these kinds of cars where someone makes a car into something it wasn't meant to be but you've done an OEM job on it.

    Great car mate!! :smile:
  39. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    I really really like this car. A proper job has been done on it too. Keep it up!
  40. Stunning.

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