175dci No Boost!

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Patrick Swayze, Jul 13, 2024.

  1. So my 175dci threw up the Check Injector message and the spanner light, all was fine previous to this, no untoward noises, boosting fine etc etc.

    When the message/light appeared the car had zero boost.

    After 500 yards the light/message went out and normal play resumed.

    The light/message reappeared and boost was lost, it did this 3 or 4 times and now the message/light (flashing) is permanent.

    Had a look this morning and there is no sound that could point to a split or popped off pipe etc so my mind is saying maybe boost control sh*t itself?

    Car is very low mileage, 68k so I'm ruling out the turbo being shot but seemed very strange that the symptoms were in and out like they were.

    Any help would be great ❤️ I'm sure this must have been experienced by one of you good people
  2. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Disconnect the temperature sensor on the turbo, its a yellow plug at the back
    Patrick Swayze likes this.
  3. Ah ok.

    What's occurring with that pal?

    Cheers for the reply.
  4. This one?

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  5. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Yes that one, it wasn't designed tobe a track car, once discontinued mine and a couple of others didn't get the problem again
  6. I unplugged and it's now showing a check immisions message as well as the spanner and check injection :/

    Noticed when I switched off the engine (after a run around the block to see if the unplug did anything) that the pressure converter? Was noisy.

    Plus the idle is a little high, 950rpm.

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  7. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    That's the boost controller I think, it's going to show a fault because it isn't detecting the temp sensor
  8. That thing was very noisy, didn't sound healthy at all (engine was off)

    I'll run it into work tomorrow with the yellow plug undone, see what's what.

    Getting it up to my pals garage Wednesday and get it on the diagnostic.
  9. So a pal had a little cheapo reader..

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  10. Boost pressure control solenoid replaced and we are back boosting.

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