225 clicking sound when steering

Discussion in 'Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres section' started by Sgard, Jan 26, 2024.

  1. If the clicking occurs when on the move, and the steering is turned, its usually the driveshaft.
  2. it occurs when the car is stationary.
  3. If no replies , ask on the Megane Facebook forum.
  4. Hi Sgard, sorry I can't be of much use to your issue. How does your steering respond at Top dead centre when on the move at say up to 50 mph? How much response do you get from the first 5-10 degrees of steering angle? Mine seems quite loose and vague at the initial turn then feels brilliant after more turn, and unsure if this is a characteristic of the car. You've replaced lots of the stuff on my list so you're the ideal person to comment. Thanks in advance mate
  5. Anti rotation links maybe. Hard to say without vids.
  6. We had something similar on a 265 and it was the steering rack fixings (not sure if the 225 is the same set up)
  7. Sounds like the issue I had on my 250, also the steering rack fixings that needed to be tightened. Does it sound like this?


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