175 dci injector codes

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by c6mby, Sep 21, 2022.

  1. So I appear to have accidentally deleted all four injector codes from my ecu via clip. Is there a simply way of finding what they are and putting them back in please?
  2. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    You will have to get into the top of the engine under the injector cover, write down the numbers and i think there are letters too, that are on the injectors, also you need to note where they are in the position in the engine,

    by keeping a note of the numbers and there position safe if it happens again it will save you stripping the top off again.
    been there done that :rage:
  3. I thought that might be the case. Do you know what order they go in from left to right looking at the engine?
  4. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    I'm sure its the same as the petrol engines, number 1 is flywheel end

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