New Girl...

Discussion in 'New to the Club? Why not introduce yourself?' started by Mishyfenner, Jul 12, 2022.

  1. Hi Guys,

    My names Michelle (Mish)

    Bought this 265 FF about a month ago. Absolutely love it. It was standard apart from eibach spings (these are going to be changed, probably to Cooksports)- just been de-res'd and I've wrapped the badges and mirrors. Few more plans for it once the cambelt and de-phaser has been done (mainly new springs, a re-map, new brakes, intercooler etc)

    Not sure if anyone used to be on Cliosport but I used to own this 172 Cup for about 5 years way back when....


    Love the Megane though!
  2. The Megane looks absolutely fantastic in silver! I think it's a really underrated colour and looks so good on these cars!
  3. Cheers Matt! :smile: it does seem to show the lines of the car off really well- and cleaned properly it just 'sparkles' in the sun- it's certainly not a flat colour
  4. Nice looking car.

    Ride height looks spot on.
  5. Why is the change of springs? After different Ride height?
  6. Nice one and welcome to this community

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Welcome Mich, nice car you have there, if you ever get to NE Scotland, pop in for a cup of tea and a sticky bun. Plenty of help on here should you need it.

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