Uprated clutch/flywheel

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Christopher carenduff, Jan 25, 2022.

  1. Hi all... looking for opinions. My mate has megane 225 thats running 406 bhp and he is asking what is the best clutch/flywheel to put in it ? He was also asking about how much power people are running through there standard gearbox without it exploding lol. I said I would put a post and ask for everyone's opinions. Thanks Screenshot_20220125-215824_Gallery.jpg
  2. Clutches are usually rated in torque, the Engine Dynamics R26R Clutch and SMF kit is rated to about ~360lbft. I know someone running a Meglio on the Clio forums at 377bhp/348lbft, tracking regularly with no issues.

    You can option the ED R26R kit with a Paddle Clutch which gives another 40-50 more lbft torque capacity than the R26R OEM Organic Clutch, but they aren't easy to live with apparently.

    ~400bhp should be fairly safe for the box (again I think torque is more the concern), however as with all tuning, it's all down to luck (and regular maintenance) in my opinion, there will be people who's box has broke at standard power and people running big power for many miles without issue.

    **Disclaimer - I don't actually have any experience with these, I've just done a fair bit of research for when I go for more power with my R26.
    Christopher carenduff likes this.
  3. Thanks for reply mate. Yeah thats the clutch he is looking at the one from engine dynamics ttv clutch. He hasn't got any issues with his gearbox was just looking for opinions . Its a full blown track car so he doesn't drive it on the road so that paddle clutch prob wouldn't be a issue for him. He changes the oil regularly so its well maintained the box. Thanks

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