Megane 225 Hesitation under load

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Matthew Slater, Mar 22, 2021.

  1. Hi All,

    I have an 07 Megane 225 with 70k miles on the clock.

    Recently when driving the car first thing in the morning the car has been hesitant to rev smoothly through range (usually between 2 and 3k)

    Once the car has warmed up the issue goes, so I just took this as the car being older etc.

    I took the car for a more spirited drive on weekend and after id been driving for around 40 mins the car would seriously hesitate at 3k rpm. Its hard to explain but it was like the car was bouncing off a limiter, it did this around 4 times sporadically on the way back.

    It also did it when accelerating onto a dual carriage way on the way back from work, was not flooring it.

    Any advice is much appriciated. Thank you all in advance.

  2. Hi mate, is the car mapped at all?

    I had a similar issue with my previous S3 - a MAF sensor was at fault then and a slightly dodgy map.

    Saying that, it could be anything from plugs/coils to injector issue
  3. Hi,

    Thank you for your response,

    Ill be honest, Im not sure if it has been mapped. But it has some modifications so I wouldn't be surprised if it has!

    Ive bought some new spark plugs which ill fit at the weekend hopefully that should help.

    Thanks again
  4. Could be......plugs, coils, injectors, N74 valve, lambda sensor or fuel pump. Had the same on my R26, turned out to be the downstream lambda sensor.

    Sent from my SM-N986B using Tapatalk
    Matthew Slater likes this.
  5. lambda would be a good shout too - hesitations are difficult to locate as there are so many different things it can be and not necessarily bring up codes. Start with the basics in terms of spark plugs and the gaps and go from there
    Matthew Slater likes this.

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