R26 alloy choices

Discussion in 'Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres section' started by SteveKozy, Nov 20, 2020.

Wheel Choice

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  1. Thinking of starting to make the meg a little more individual.

    Not many wheel choices.

    The attached are 5x108 et45 8j.

    What do people think on fitment?

    Anyone able to to photoshop these onto a megane? Screenshot_20201120_133346.jpg
  2. I looked at those as an option, would be great seeing them photoshopped. That’s what I’d go for fitment wise, not below et +45.
  3. Yeah. Et is really tricky in the meganes, not exactly item to massive choices are we??

    Personally, I think the flat face and rally esque design would suit the lines of the meg 2 and my r26 is that silver/ dark grey graphics mix, so think it would look good.

    Hopefully i can get someone to photo shop them.
  4. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    speedline turinis
  5. I do like that wheel.

    However it's just a multi spoke wheel that isn't dissimilar to the original. So maybe not different enough in my eye.

    Not adverse per say, but, i wanted to choose something a bit different.
  6. Pics of the bolas fitted (not my meganes just pics ive seen) D2252838-86B1-4F4B-8947-801122B92409.jpeg 43A3F891-77D7-4F36-A219-E2F86A7F0FEF.jpeg
  7. A few ideas for you. IMG_20201012_122630.jpg
  8. Thanks for these. The second are definitely more my style.
    Brigsy likes this.
  9. Me neither. Like the orange ones probably because of the extra Renault sport lettering breaking up the colour but don’t like the ones on the blue car.
  10. Im not sold on the bola’s either, dont really suit the meg.

    2nd ones are technomagnesio 201b. Ktec done a run of them in the correct offset a few years ago, come up for sale occasionally. Bola do a similar lower offset wheel with chunky spokes.

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