Intake sensor

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Davis42, Sep 10, 2020.

  1. Had a new intake sensor and pipe changed today was giving a spanner light with mssage check injection system , also giving EML light with message check air pollution , didnt seem to cause any problems when they would come on , so cant really tell thats its been fixed .

    All done under warranty from Renault, what im wondering is what other people get temperature wise on the intake , before im sure it was showing 20 now its like 30 , what is normal ? Thanks for any help !
  2. Anbody got any thoughts on this , cheers
  3. this part of vehicle you're referring to is susceptible to quite a large fluctuation in temp and heavenly influenced by air flow and ambient temp, I can see anything from 20°C to 54°C
    Davis42 likes this.
  4. Cheers mate , just before it was fixed it stayed at 20 , thanks for ur help

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