Recommend - Which Plugs? Tuned Engine R26

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by SteveKozy, Sep 14, 2020.

  1. So, Service light has come up on the car and i've done about 4k in it since purchase. So time for a fresh set of plugs and oil.

    As i'm fairly new to RS Meganes. I was wondering no your advice regards to plugs.

    I've come from JDM cars (subaru) and in my impreza i would always run NGK Iridium with a heat range of 6 as it was running 400+.

    I now own a wonderful R26. It is fitted with a mapped RS275 engine and runs 630 cc injectors and a stock turbo running 325hp and 340 ft/lbs.

    What plug am i best getting for this level of power/fuelling. Feels like NGK would be best and probably a heat range of 7? Is it worth re-gapping any plug i get? And if so to what gap?

    Does anyone run anything different or have a recommended set up for my state of tune.
  2. NGK BKREIX8 I think you’ll be wanting.
    RsMarley likes this.
  3. Thanks, spot on.

    Would they need re-gapping or just as they come is ok ? Usually re-gap gives them a better spark for the extra fuel. Is it the same for the Meg's?
  4. gap is 0.6mm for optimum spark
  5. Appreciate the help. Cheers

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