The battery went flat on my 2016 275 and ever since I have the orange spanner, engine management light and check anti pollution system message. I have gone on a few good drives since and the lights still on. A cheap code reader says its the second lambda sensor. Anyone know the part number of this lambda? Is the first and second the same? Are they like the Clio 197 where they are actually made by bosch and the bosch ones are like half the price of the renault ones? Last question lol, Is the sensor a nightmare to get at? I know when people de cat its a bit of the stripping match to get the cat out, hoping the second lambda is easier to get at. Was awkward on my clio to get the first one out, but it was pretty much welded in as it had been there quite a while. Thanks
sorry mate, that body code doesn't come up on my list, its going to be euro 6 compliant so think its going to be Renault
Megane 275 sensors are wideband sensors, different to the ones before, at least to my knowledge. They have to manage Eu6. I just saw that Ian stated it before