Clutch damper delete

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Vojta.MHR, Apr 20, 2020.

  1. Where to unplug the old line in order to fit a braided clutch damper delete line? On 1st or 2nd? Thanks!

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  2. think is 1 or wherever the metal clip is, pull it out and remove old hose
  3. There are 2 same looking clips... that made me think about it...
  4. i'm thinking back to when changed mine dont recall having problem maybe pull first one (your 2) and see if new hose fits, if not pull second one
  5. I removed the original from joint 1
  6. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    position 2 clip
  7. Let me ask...for what?
  8. to delete the woeful clutch damper that weeps fluid for months but you cant see it, deffo not one reno's finest inventions
    manugtt likes this.
  9. Good to know! So, when I´ll change the brakes lines, maybe would be a good chance to change that line too.
  10. Without doubt get rid of it
    It’s kinda thing that weeps fluid for months and brake reservoir level goes down so you think it’s your calipers or brake line leaking somewhere, plus clutch feels better after it’s gone
    manugtt likes this.
  11. What’s the easiest way to bleed the clutch once this is done. Get someone to press the clutch or use one of those hand pump bleeders
  12. Shouldn’t need bleed if done correctly

    Disconnect the bulkhead end of old line first

    Immediately connect the new line but have the other end raised up hi

    Now lower the clutch end of new line slowly down towards the bleed valve until fluid starts run out

    then disconnect the other end old line

    and connect new line with bit fluid still dripping out

    this way should be no air in new line, also know that the system is self bleeding over couple hours any air will float up to top of line system and into reservoir and out to air

    if want bleed the clutch slave cylinder inside bell housing have someone hand press clutch pedal to floor then open bleed valve

    while keeping pedal hard to floor close valve and slowly raise pedal by hand
    This will replace old fluid in slave cylinder
  13. Cheers. Useful information.

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