R26 F##king potholes

Discussion in 'Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres section' started by R26Chris, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Just hit a massive pothole on my way to work and its trashed the tyre :worried: . running winters at the most, so unsure what to do. Can't decide whether to get the Goodyear's back on or replace an axles worth of nearly new winter tyres. Ffs. If I get the Goodyear's I'll need to buy 2 and swap all the tyres. If I buy another 2 winters I won't have to swap the back axles tyres but I will be buying some tyres that I'll then be taking off again in a month or so. Balls.:mad::worried::banghead:
  2. buy used winters, and put the better ones on front. it not near time for summer tires
  3. The on the front are the better set. I rotate the tyres front to back then change the whole set. Can't buy used anyway as i need them today or I can't use the car.
  4. 2 new summers ordered. £296 down the pan. FML
  5. I was going to say.. Is there really any need for winter tyres in the UK?

    Perhaps it is because I live on the South Coast where we barely ever see any snow or ice, but there just doesn't seem the need for them.

    I've never ran winter tyres on any of my cars over the years and have survived each winter absolutely fine.

    Whereas where MilosB is from, there definitely is a need.
  6. I'm also on the sea and we don't see and snow etc, but I prefer to ride on winter tires if the temperature is below 10°C. also if i travel continental it isn't bad to have them on as snow and ice is not uncommon
  7. They make a huge difference to be honest. Once the roads get cold damp and greasy the difference in grip is massively noticeable. Living where I do I don't think I NEED winter tyres, I could change my driving style and potter about a bit more, but the way I see it is that its cheaper than my insurance excess, saves wear on my summer tyres and means I can have a bit more confidence. I'm absolutely not one of these people who say you must have winter tyres. But if you can afford them and can tell the difference I don't see why you wouldn't. Up to the individual ultimately
  8. Fair enough!
    Never had them so never knew the benefits, good to know.
  9. try them once :smiley: even, old used winter (brand name not chinese ones) grips better if the temperatures are low i.e. bellow 10°C , then a new summer tire. i had to change a front bumper and headlight on previous car as at emergency stop, they just slid, and abs barely slowed the car down and I had brand new high performance summer tires.
  10. I feel your pain over the potholes. I put a new set of winters on last year and with in a month trashed the 2 fronts on 2 different potholes, the second one bent a wheel too. I've tried to get compensation from the local authorities but that is near impossible meaning I had to shell out nearly £400 for new tyres and a new wheel.

    As for the winter tyre debate. I've found that this year I probably haven't needed them. They only truly come into their own when the temperature is below 7degrees, and where I live it hasn't really been that cold.

    They are brilliant when it's cold enough and in the snow.
  11. Summer tyres ftw i never change mine

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