250 LED door light

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by jamesmeg, Sep 28, 2019.

  1. Anyone know why when I put a LED bulb in the door it just doesn't work. Then when I put normal bulb back in that doesn't work until after driving around and turning car off then the normal bulb comes back on.
  2. Assume you’ve tried reversing LED in holder ??
  3. Yeap tried that
  4. Could be something to do with LED itself maybe try same LED in rear boot compartment or rear number plate light
  5. Put the led bulb in, shut and lock the door and reopen and the bulb should come on unless its in the wrong way, mine does this. Im assuming the car shuts off the voltage for some reason.
  6. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Yeah mine does this when you put a LED bulb in, almost like the car needs to be reset for them to work in the doors

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