Ndo pk gearbox

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by latza, Sep 17, 2019.

  1. Does anyone know if a pk6 gearbox will bolt up to a f4rt

    Is there any differences in the cases

    Are the drive shafts compatible

  2. F4Rt + PK6 combination can be found from Lag II, so the engine side is bolt-on for sure. But the PK6 is much bigger compared to ND0 and probably too big for the Meg engine bay. Apparently the drive shafts also differ from each other, at least in length.
  3. Thanks. I’m actually putting a 225 engine in a vivaro and trying
    TO work out which box to use

    Don’t suppose you know the difference in gear ratios do you?
  4. Well, that depends on the suffix as there's quite many different ratios used.


    NikOtiN likes this.
  5. Btw. F4R/PK6-009 has been used in Renault Trafic, which at some point was pretty much the same than Vauxhall/Opel Vivaro.
  6. great info thankyou. so which box do you think would be the best for a vivaro running a f4rt the pk6009?

    id rather use the megane box to be honest but dont want to have to get custom shafts. if i can use a pk6 i should be able to use standard shafts from a 1.9 vivaro or trafic

    is there a file anywhere that shows which cars had whcih gearbox fitted ?
  7. Pretty interesting project you have going on :smiley:.

    It's hard to say without knowing your project any better or for what purpose that Vivaro will be used, but I'd choose something similar to 009 gearing as those are most practical with petrol engines. Also e.g. 026 has been used with F4R & Trafic (when no need for speedo drive). Apparently some other suffixes too. Diesel box and petrol engine is pretty much useless combination as you certainly know.

    No any comprehensive documentation, no that I know. I have seen some of them, but this document is quite old already and not covering all of those:
  8. looking at in gear speeds the 009 is the one to go for but i dont think ill be able to find one of those. next best that i think ill be able to pick up cheap enough is the pk6 003 used in the laguna gt. these have very similar in gear speeds to the megane nd00 gearbox
  9. Yep, sure, if you want your van to go 235 km/h then 003 (and its variants 053/353) may be an option as well :sunglasses:. That 003 has been used, not only in Lag II GT, but on "basic" 120 kW / 125 kW 2.0T Lagunas also (with td04-10T turbos).

    Close, but not the same though. I've done some comparison earlier. The blue line is from my Clio III RS 200 TL4 box, so that one can be ignored, but the green/PK6 and the red/ND0. I also have a Lag II GT (with PK6-353) and as can be seen from that chart the 1st gear is annoyingly short compared to ND0, pretty much the same as with high revving RS-Clio. (I live in Finland so that bottom line is of course km/h.)

  10. just bought a pk6053 from ebay. £150 delivered . this isnt a big money project so will make do with what i can. are these the same ratio as the 003? thanks
  11. Same ratio yes. Just some other changes/improvements done 003->053 (->353).
  12. DO unknown
    Do you know what to theywhere by any chance

    Also will this gearbox be ok to use with the megane 225 clutch?

  13. 003->053 at least primary shaft and 3th / 4th gear and synchro parts. 053-> 353 some bearings and slave cylinder.

    Not sure about this, different part numbers though. If I recall correctly slave cylinder mounted with two bolts in ND0 vs. three in PK6053 so there is a difference as well.

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