What's everyone recommend on this? Heard you get a lot better noise from the car in sports/race mode when its done... I've got a local exhaust specialist who could easily sort it for me, just wondering what everyone else paid before i get a quote?
I have a 3 inch non resonated (no front box) Miltec on mine, once the cat was removed it was too loud for some track, so i am going to have to put a box back in. If your not tracking it or removing the cat then yes take the middle box out.
Removing the midbox is the best exhaust mod I made on any car. It adds about 10% to idle noise, so just enough to sound a little sporty, it's not much different for the rest but if you drive it fast and get some heat into the exhaust the pops and bangs are something else. After that you won't need to do anything to your exhaust.
Mid box delete has been booked in for the 5th of August! I’ll get some comparisons once it’s been done but mega is excited for it!
Would doing this effect my warranty? Can't wait to do it but don't want to give RUK any excuses if I have any issues!
To be fair anything you do in terms of a modification will probably void warranties cause they will do anything and everything to not pay out...