Second Hand Turbo - Cracked

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Pipe & Slippers, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. I recently got hold of a second hand turbo unit which I thought might be a candidate for converting to hybrid spec at a later date. However, on close inspection I noticed this crack:


    A bit of googling suggests that these cracks are not unheard of in the Megane turbos, but it seems daft to use a damaged turbo as the start point for a hybrid. Am I right to think it's a bad idea? Should I hold out for a non-cracked unit to make into a hybrid, or can this be repaired?
  2. As far as I'm aware it's pretty common yes. It looks quite bad to me so I would suggest looking for a better one.

    steven878 took some time to track down a decent turbo which wasn't cracked
  3. Won't there be places that refurb turbos that'll sell you one with this cracked one as exchange?
  4. Yeah maybe.
    TBH, a hybrid turbo is not something I've been seriously considering but I was offered this turbo v cheap as a spare, so I thought it might be an interesting project.
  5. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    out of interest who sold it you mate?
  6. A friend of my Dad's had it amongst boxes full of spare parts removed from various cars over the years. I don't think it was actually off a Meg, but it appears to be a Mitsubishi TD04, which is the same unit?
  7. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    yeh dependant on fins inside. I've been offered a turbo in the exact same condition for 80/90 quid and trying to work out if its worth it...
  8. I basically paid beer money, so I can't really complain about the crack!
    Perhaps I'll see what sort of a deal I could get trading it in for a better one. Having said that, I'm still in 2 minds about about going hybrid anyway - it seems only really worth it for figures around 300 or above and at that level (being a cautious type) I'd end up spending loads on forging the engine to cope, so the "cheap" turbo would end up costing me a small fortune!
  9. Sounds like the start of some fairly serious man maths there....
  10. Exactly. Must... say... no...
  11. But overall you're saving money. Its cheaper than a blown engine....may as well do it all at once..:wink:
  12. ...but a lot more expensive than leaving it standard or going for a safe stage 1!
  13. Well yes but that doesn't count.
  14. A safe Stage 1 should be more than enough to put a smile on your face :wink:
  15. Yeah I know. Every time I go for a drive I realise it's great as it is, but you know how the mind starts to wander when you're away from the car!
  16. I think given the quality of the chassis, a safe stage 1 tune would be as much as anyone should realistically ever need! Its a scalpel, not a machete! No need to turn it into a muscle car imho
  17. Dan


    What's a hybrid turbo?
  18. I personally don't see the point of spending all that money. I'd rather spend it on trackdays and tyres lol. I drive a 1.3 diesel van Monday to Friday so the Meg feels more than quick enough.
    Plus it could affect any resale value if you ever decided to sell.
  19. Dan, you need stage 1 mate, transforms the car mate, ps where are you from
  20. That turbos wrecked!!
    AET do new turbine housings for an additional 250 plus vat on top of the work being carried out.

    It had taken me around a year to find a good donor unit, but defo worth the wait, as i saved around £600 over buying a new turbo.

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