Corbeau Clubsport XL - slider and extra width?

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by eddie ninja, Feb 27, 2019.

  1. Hi

    So ordered these for my R26.

    I need the front seat to be a slider - KTec do this and they also say I need width attachments due to the wider seat. All in it comes to £318 which seems steep - is there atnywhere else to get the bases with sliders and do I need the width attachment?

    Have spoken to John Foz but he doesn’t do the sliders.

    Help please!
  2. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Buy some from Ebay, there all the same (sliders) mine were about £10 each, if you need extenders i have some i didn't use, can do £60 posted for both seats
  3. I was hoping you’d come to my rescue Ian! ;-)
  4. How come you didn’t use the extenders in the end?
  5. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    I'll tell you after you have bought my extenders :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
  6. This is like a Brexit negotiation... ;-)
    I’ll wait until I get the seats to see if I need them first then.
    Def need the slider. Er what am I looking for on eBay?
  7. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Had to buy some seat bases from Ktec, they told me i needed the extension bars, so that added another £100 to the bill, when they arrived i tried to use the extenders and as i see it they move the seats too far into the centre tunnel, so i fitted the inside and drilled two new holes on the outer side, jobs a goodun.

    So you don't need the extenders, this was the same for my mk2 and i had XL seats
  8. Drilling? This boy doesn’t drill!
    I’m going to get my bases from John Fossard.
    Sliding from eBay as you say.
  9. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    oh my word, are you sure you are capable with fitting the seats

    I would have bought mine from John, but he doesn't do mk3 ones yet :sob:
  10. Not at all so as usual I will be paying a man who can.
    You had an r26 before right?
  11. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    No, a 225 in Orange

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