Just bought my first RS. It had a blanking plate fitted which I want to remove and replace the original recirulation valve which I have. All this is above me but looks easy to replace. Only think is I don't know what pipe fits into the bit circled in photo.
That's not the original recirculating valve Not the best picture but might help http://www.catcar.info/renault/?lan...8Y3JudE5vcHI9PTEzMTF8fHJlZmFjY2VzPT1OMTQ1MDEy
I know the original is in a box in the car but couldn't bother to go out to get it and take photo lol Photo is from the net and justjwanted to circle the part that I could see a pipe needs to connect to.
Update. Found the original hose hidden away with a screw blocking it off. Any advice on how to go about replacing the valve as sounds a bit of a pain due to lack of space. I believe some people modified some tools to be able to work in such a tight space.
Any idea on removing airbox? Obviously can see front two screw. Is it a matter of just pulling it up?
Removing the airbox involves taking the battery, ECU and battery box out, then it's 1 10mm bolt to remove, then pull it out and up from a hole in the firewall and a hole in the gearbox mount underneath which secures it.