250 Tapping on cold start

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Charlie Howard, Jul 21, 2018.

  1. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Or you could sort the problem instead of hiding or trying to mask it.
  2. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    So your saying replace the sensor first Jamie?
  3. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Yes, it's not an expensive part, several people have reported the same and changing the solenoid sorts it
    Gavin. likes this.
  4. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Seeing as the oil I used isn't a cheap brand and it's new I'll do the sensor first, then if not I'll get some different oil.
  5. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Changed the solenoid yesterday and nothing has changed.
  6. Try the oil
  7. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Yeah I will, but I gonna try Castrol Edge as I should need race oil to not tap.
  8. I’d personally go for the Titan.
  9. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Wow, my typing was bad there. What I tried to say was I shouldn't need the Titan race oil to stop tapping, I'll try Edge first and then if that doesn't work fuck it I'll go race.
  10. I would go with the Helix :tongueout:
  11. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Meh I can get 20% off Castrol with my trade card, seem to be nothing between the two.
  12. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Changed the oil, still the same. Now I don't know if I should be worried. I'm thinking about getting Click4Warranty just in case something happens.
  13. Does it do it every time you start the car?
    You could try the better quality oil as I mentioned. Failing that it’s likely to be a problem with the oil hydraulics that supply the top end
  14. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Not every time, maybe half. Only on a cold start though. My mate is a mechanic and has said Castrol Edge is good stuff and don't fix what ain't broke so just put up with the annoying sound for 30 seconds or so when you start it. I guess next time the oil is due I'll put in the Fuchs but maybe just leave it for now?
  15. I would leave it, I will try and remember to listen to mine when I finish work
  16. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Only on some cold starts so give it a listen the next few times you start it.
    Mikeyjp likes this.
  17. Mine started to do this, turns out it was the dephaser was worn.

    All sorted now.
  18. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    How much did it cost you? I've heard it doesn't cause any issues and is just annoying.
  19. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Probably get mine changed next year with the cambelt.
  20. Cost was an extra £110 on top of the cambelt.

    From what I’ve been told from the place that did mine, It will get noiser and more frequent, eventually causeing the engine to stall.
  21. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Yours hadn't started to stall then?
  22. No but it was rattling more and more often.
    They rattle for quite a long time before causing major problems apparently.
  23. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    I'm going to get mine done with the cambelt next year, for the extra £100 you might as well. It should be part of the standard cambelt service IMO.

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