stripper in the back

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by frankie robertson, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. Im thinking of stripping oot the back seats weight in the back ..

    Is this worth it ..? its usually just me n the gf in the dinny really need them .

    Also..spare tyre and aircon..
  2. "Because race car" ?

    Each to their own lol, I don't see the point, mine don't get used much, but not going to gain anything, maybe 50p in petrol a week lol
  3. i don't know either..thats why im asking :smile: have seen a few cars stripped out
  4. Best name to a title ever.... Who wouldn't want a stripper in the back
    ting_tong and tof73 like this.
  5. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Waste of time on a road car tbh
  6. Leave the Aircon in mate
  7. sound , ta
  8. I put the back seats doon, and to be wisnae mind blowing :coldsweat:
  9. Do you take it on track? I did it and felt a difference in performance and sound. Got a boot mat for it. Take it out for TD’s.
  10. Whatever you do dont take the aircon out.

    Did it in my track car, worst decision ive ever made
    eddie ninja likes this.

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