My new megane 225 doesn't half have some issues

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by andymegane225, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Morning everyone,

    This new megane of mine isn't half playing up at the moment. Last night I had to call green flag out to the vehicle as the windows came down and 1 of them would not go back up at all. Now the breakdown man managed to get the window up for me so that the vehicle is now secure but all the windows now are not operating properly at all. They go up and down in stages and 2 of them have gone completely. Am I right in thinking that I may be looking at new window regulators???

    Also The green flag man found this loose wire under my bonnet. Is this supposed to go to anything because if it does then it has been cut off and taped by the garage I got the car from???


    Third and finally my airbag sensor is still on in my dashboard along with the service light, the green flag man plugged in his diagnostic device and could not find any faults showing on the reader???
  2. If they've gone completely it sounds like the regulators. I think they can be pulled apart and dried out though. If that doesn't work then its new regulator time, but these are heavily subsidised by Renault as its a known fault. The windows going up and down in stages sounds like they just need resetting. I'm afraid I forget how to do it but someone will be along to point out how. Its just a case of holding the window button up I think though. No idea about the wiring, though it does look similar to the fused power feed from the battery that I fitted to my aftermarket subwoofer. Has the car had a sub/amp etc in the past that's been removed perhaps? Can't help on the airbag/service lights I'm afraid-might be worth checking the airbag wiring clips under the seats as these can come undone and trigger the light. Hope that helps a bit.
  3. IIIRC to reset your windows pull both window switches up at the same time and hold there for 10-15 seconds.

  4. as a guess its the air bag squib thats at fault there
  5. You will probably find that the AA diagnostics is a basic unit and will probably not pin point the problem, you need to get it on a renault clip.
  6. If it's been serviced then cancel the service light by holding the button on the stalk for 10s or so. The airbag light is probably just a loose connector under the seat, jiggle them around and see if it goes off.
  7. +1 for all above, regs can be cleaned and put back together then the windows will work, and to reset them bring the windows up until the stop at the top and keep the switches pulled once they are fully closed for about 10-15 secs and that will reset them, airbag light is most likely to be the harness under the drivers seat, give it a little wiggle about and the service and airbag light will go out! The harness in the engine bay looks like its of an aftermarket amp! Nothing to worry about unless there's warning lights on the dash!
  8. i will defo be the regulators, they don't like water, but Renault managed to make sure they get a soaking whenever it rains. exactly the same thing happened to mine, you need to dry the bloody things out and then cover them in grease and or tape, mine have been fine for a year now.
  9. Lol know the feeling mate, every few days theres something. Ive owned the car 3 months and in that time ive had:

    Knock sensor replaced
    new window regulators
    new boot button
    new washer bottle
    windscreen washer replaced
    and now injectors as well

    Think most of this is due to the previous owner being extremely neglectful to the car. Dont understand how some people can just let their cars get to such a sorry state!
  10. I know the feeling too!!
    In 3 months of ownership:
    New Injectors
    New front top Mounts
    2 x new hub bearings
    2 x new tyres
    New sump gasket
    Undertray bolts drilled out
    Aux belt as wasn't changed with cambelt
    And many other little things including a few upgrades!!!

    They are not cheap cars too run especially when they have been neglected by previous owners.
  11. Well to be fair I find them quite cheap to run and repair little bits. Owning a skyline will teach you how to live with very little money to spend on anything else but the car lol
  12. Totally agree with this comment. Skylines drain money faster than you can earn it.
  13. Haha funny reading this. Mines been and still is a nightmare. Problems I've had in a years ownership;

    1.Snapped front springs (both)

    2.Broken passenger window

    3.Leaking passenger door

    4.Floor pan leaking through storage compartments (still not sorted)

    5.Cracked alloy

    6.Locking buttons not working on drivers or passenger door

    Not giving up on her though. See it through. Just had a few neglectful owners unfortunately.
  14. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!

    Finally getting somewhere positive with the car. The dealer I got it off has been so unhelpful so far that in the end I have took it upon myself so sort it out since I have lost all steering wheel stalk controls on top of everything else. After a diagnostics on the car I needed a new rotary switch/stalk control unit, renault sold me a brand new one with 10% off which was helpful. I also needed a new motor for the front windscreen wipers as they had gone.

    After spending the morning fitting it all myself I am pleased to report all faults are gone and I can now finally try and enjoy the car. :smile:
  15. for number 4 have you check shuttle panel drains
  16. No how do I check these mate? You mean on the bonnet
  17. Well at the windscreen

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