I need to know this too. Changed all my interior bulbs to white leds except the glove box one because I couldn't figure it out
Which air vent does he mean? The passenger side one or the centre ones? Did we confirm if it's a 501 or feston?
It's not going to be the center one is it lol... . And seems no one has confirmed bulb type, probably because its to much hassle
It could have been the center one! I'll have a look tomorrow, they're not hard to remove so shouldn't be much of a hassle.
If you are a contortionist maybe lol, I gave up trying to get the vent out ,was worried about breaking it
Just took the vent off, was very easy to do. The bulb isn't a 501 it is a festoon, I'm not sure what size it is though.
How did you get the RenaultSport long bit of trim off? You have to remove this to take the passenger side vent off to access the bulb don't you? Any pictures of the clips behind the RenaultSport trim?
I'll take some pictures when I get the bulb but I just pulled and jiggled the vent, didn't remove the trim completely. It's pretty hefty so breaking it would be difficult.
Did it just now, easy job! As long as you don't install the bulb the wrong way round, twice. Start out by prying the vent surround from the top and left. Give it some more pulling from the left and bottom. I started to wiggle it and the RS trim will start to come away with it. The surround will then completely come away, there is a long tab on the right-hand side of the surround under the trim. The vent will then slide right out.
Just don't put the light in the wrong way round twice like me! The positive goes on the terminal nearest to you.
This is what I used, you might not want an LED one though. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/372190569659