Intermittent starting

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Sarah, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. hey, recently my 225 started having issues starting, it will start up and drive but when you stop and try re start the car it sometimes won’t start, it turns over but won’t fire. The AA plugged in diagnostics but no fault codes were found. When the car does this it needs jump starting, this then causes the fuel mileage to drop on the computer. Any ideas what the problem could be? Thanks
  2. If it need jump starting it's got to be a battery or alternator issue.

    Alternators can go on these older 225's now.

    Get the voltage measured when running and also test for a drain on the battery.
  3. Did the AA test the battery, when was it last replaced?
  4. Yes the AA tested the battery and he said it was fine, only had the car for twelve month so not sure when it was replaced. The issues only started when OH did some work on it and disconnected the battery and ECU
  5. The AA tested the battery and said it was fine, I’ve just tested with a multimeter and the readings are what they should be
  6. How old is the car? if you have 0 paperwork for a new battery, and its over 6 years old, it will be close to the end of its life
  7. I had a MK1 Meg, and had exactly the same problem, of hot starts, and new battery fixed it
  8. Jus
    its a mk2 55 plate, just going through paperwork and it had a battery change nov 2014
  9. Not sure if the MK2 has a TDC sensor, but that solved some start problems for me once too
  10. Have you made sure the battery connections are tight and refitted correctly? why was the ECU unplugged?
  11. Someone else mentioned the TDC sensor, would the fault be intermittent if the sensor was faulty?
  12. I’ve had a look and they seem ok but it’s my OH that sorts the car out so that’s on his to do list!! Couldn’t tell you why he unplugged the ECU, he was doing the bushes, and servicing the car
  13. Well thats why it's called be faulty and not broken :tongueout:, could just need a clean
  14. :smile: just ordered a new sensor. See if that sorts it.

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