250 Cutting out on cold starts

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by -Chris-, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. My car has just started doing this. Only when cold, starts then dies. Not always, just now and again. Usually starts second time but has taken more when trying to pull away after starting.

    It’s mapped for 99 Ron and either takes momentum or V-power. More so the former than the latter.

    Service with new plugs 2 months ago. OEM. Gapped at 7mm iirc. 58k miles. Car is garaged.

    Could it be dodgy fuel from Tesco’s? I’ve just put in a tank of V-power to see if it makes any difference.

    Anything else to consider?

    Coil packs are original.
  2. I had this, but did it all the time, changed the air inlet temperature sensor and it stopped doing it.
  3. Try plugging the car in for fault codes
  4. Had a scan this evening. No fault codes displayed on my OBD2 reader.

    Where is the air inlet temperature sensor? How much was it to replace?

    I've done 50 miles on the V-Power now. Will assess it over the next couple of mornings.
  5. Mines doing this now and again also
  6. Its at the front off the engine, in the intercooler pipework, little red sensor. I originally used the part number and bought a pattern part of ebay, grey and slightly different from the red one but it worked. But recently bought a renault one to fit, £8 from renault (same price as ebay). But be careful though as there a note on the system about needing a new loom to go with it, which is £40 odd. Bought the just the sensor and it is the same as the original, so loom not needed.
  7. Cheers pal.

    Started fine this morning. Will monitor it throughout the week. Hoping it was just fuel but I’ll bare the sensor in mind should it persist.
  8. I very much doubt it's fuel, more one of the many bad traits the megane has.

    I'm sure most owners on here would of had it before, along with lumpy idle on start up.

    Only had my meg a few months and one thing I've learnt is little faults like this come and go as they please.
  9. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Mines doing this, was it the fuel as I also use Tesco?
  10. Try changing fuels, if it carry on, try the air temp sensor from renault only £8, sorted it for mine.
  11. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Got a part number?
  12. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Or a link?
  13. 8200415410R
  14. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Nice, ordered from Renault for £8.41. Thanks!
  15. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    You got a picture of where it is in the engine bay? Or a description?
  16. Pull the engine over off, right in front of the engine theres a plastic pipe that goes to the throttle body, it right in the middle of that, a red/orange looking sensor, cant miss it.
  17. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Thanks man!
  18. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

  19. Yeh thats the one.
  20. otherwise if the problem persists clean the MAF, MAP sensors and Throttle boddy. Cleaning those cured it for me and few more people.
  21. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Where are the MAF and MAP sensors? I'll give them a clean.
  22. Yours sorted now then?
  23. yes there is another thread on here that i went in depth about the cleaning of sensors and TB. Quite recent.
  24. No maf sensors, there two maps sensors, one in the same pipework as the air temp sensor, and one in the inlet manifold. Cant miss them.
  25. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Just clean the terminals?
  26. No inside the sensor tip with carb cleaner, and leave it for the access cleaner to evapourate. The one sensor gets oiled up. Cant remember wich one thou.
  27. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Will brake cleaner do?
  28. Does it evapourate afterwards?
  29. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    It's supposed to yes
  30. Should be alright then
    Charlie Howard likes this.
  31. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Anyone got a picture of the two MAP sensors so I don't get it wrong?
  32. Google it
  33. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    I have, I couldn't find anything!
  34. Looks similar to that

    Attached Files:

  35. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    The first one is easy to see but the one I'm the manifold I couldn't see.
  36. These

    Attached Files:

    Charlie Howard likes this.
  37. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    What a blind bastard I am. Thank you!
  38. yep sorted, just make sure to clean the TB it was filthy for a car with 50 000km too much granny driving by older owner i guess.
  39. is that your engine bay? i notice a different engine mount and battery were these changes done by you?
  40. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    Cleaned them both yesterday, the one in the manifold was filfy! Other was wanting but cleaned it anyway. Seems to be better now. Is the throttle body easy to remove in this car?

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