250 blanking plate fitting

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Jez3062, Jun 11, 2018.

  1. Evening chaps,

    Got myself a blanking plate for my 250 (not putting a dump valve on) and have had a look in the engine bay. Firstly it looks a right bugger to get at one of the nuts and secondly, where the current recirc feeds into the T piece, does this need changing to a normal connector or can it just be clamped?

    I know a lot will say not to run a blanking plate without a dump valve etc but I've heard a lot of people have had no issues and would be surprised if such a small turbo could realistically be damaged.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. You can do either, clamping the pipe is fine though.

    And yea, the bottom bolt is abit awkward. I bent a 15mm spanner to roughly a 45degree angle, that let me get on the bolt and turn, clearing the crap thats in the way.
  3. Thanks for the info mate. Will probably give it a go at the weekend if I get time.

    Don't suppose you know what the hose diameter is so i can get a 2 way join as opposed to the T piece?
  4. Give you a tip when slackening the bottom bolt once you have some thread showing put a slip knot on a piece of thin string or suchlike and drop it down over the nut head and take up the slack then carry on loosening or guarantee that nuts going to fall into the abyss.
  5. Hahaha it sounds all too familiar! Random screws stuck in the engine bay somewhere never to be seen again!

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