Minor knocking at low speed movement like pulling away and pulling up at junctions. Coming from f/n/s drivers side front wheel. Could thus be the anti rotation links. Any links for parts most appreciated. Cars an rs250 60plate
Part number is 543175784r just google it Or here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/JTS563-T...683690&hash=item2f15d9dcfa:g:TlEAAOSwMqBahiuN
Thanks. I had already found the part but wanted to make sure . I' guessing this part fits both rs250 and rs225/r26
If the part numbers are the same then the part will be the same This might be of use to you http://www.catcar.info/renault/?lan...9UmVuYXVsdHx8bm9wcj09MTQ5NXx8dHlwZT09RFoxOA==
It’ll be either the anti rotation links or the anti roll bar links..or a combination of both! Ball joint was more of a banging sound in my experience