R26 Humming sound when car is moving..

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by charlie1984, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. I have an incling it might be a wheel bearing... but just wanted to find out if anyone has any ideas.

    It seems more apparent once the car starts moving from 20-30mph... at crawling pace you can't hear the humming only once moving. I cant tell if its from the front or rear passenger wheel.. I assume its one of the wheels as it only happen when the car is in motion.
  2. Sounds likely. I haven't had that problem with my meg, but it sounded like that when wheel bearings went in previous cars.
    Notice any difference in the sound when turning right or left?
  3. If you get a chance to jack up the car, grab hold of the wheel at the top and bottom (12 o'clock and 6 o'clock) and see if you can wiggle it back and forth - play indicates bearing trouble. You might also notice roughness if you try turning the wheel by hand. If you compare both sides you should be able to spot which side is worse.

    Another trick is to go for a short drive and see if the hub gets excessively hot (hot hub = worn bearings), but personally I find that a bit awkward and hit-and-miss.
  4. Reason I ask about turning left/right - if it's more noticeable when turning left, it's most likely to be the right side bearing and vice-versa (the noise is usually more pronounced when the affected hub is under load).
  5. Just one thing to note, I've only just got my R26 about a month ago, and I also can hear a humming noise and I assumed it might be a bearing then it dawned on me the noise/pitch of the sound is so intermittent and doesn't relate to speed but only makes the sound when moving. Then I realised it was the wind causing the noise, god knows why or where its coming from but its definitely the wind in mine. On a calm day it doesn't make the sound at all.
  6. ive noticed a humming sound on mine recently. It seems to be coming from the left of the car but only at a certain speed. I also thought bearings but I'll get it checked out during the approaching service.

    Does any one know the going rate for a bearing?
  7. Cheers gents.. pipe I'll see if the noise is more pronounced whilst cornering. Can the rear wheel bearings go too?

    I only started hearing this humming about a week ago.. and the car is coming up to 5 years old with 40k which makes me think it could be the bearings... I never used to get the noise driving around town at 30mph
  8. I had this a few moths ago. Humming/droning sound with pitch increasing with speed - continues when in neutral.
    It was a rear wheel bearing - diagnosed by Renault dealer. Replacement requires new discs. Can't remember the cost at present.
  9. I have exactly this, too. Have you got the .R spoiler on yours? I have.
  10. This could actually make sense as the rear disc are the ones from new... I'm easy on my brakes so the discs are fine... but the bearings might be on the way out...
  11. I've had new discs but still have the humming. It sounds like the motor for the rear wiper tbh, but it does it independently of the wiper. Is this the same sort of sound everybody else is getting?
  12. Nope, mines standard. Its quiet annoying when its windy.
  13. Mine is only when the car is moving .. 20/30mph plus... the wiper him would be all the time no?
  14. Yeah it's when the car is moving, but it doesn't occur all the time. Really doesn't sound like a bearing failing, but does sound like a small electric motor (but deffo not the rear wiper).
  15. I have to disagree. I don't think it's a motor. It's the wind making a noise. Just can't work out what it's blowing through to make that noise.
  16. Try the wheel arch liners, mine sings when the wind is right!
  17. How do you know that? I'm not saying your wrong at all btw :smile:
  18. i also had several issues like this. First it was coming from the rear bearings. Note that you do not have to change the discs. Just take the disks out and go to to lathe house take the bearings out. Buy the new bearings( easlly found). Go back to the lathe house and press it inside the discs. Problem solved. I had both problem on left and right side about 40K miles ago. Never had problem again.

    The second issue was the noise coming from the front. While the engine was running. First we thought it was because of the V belt. It was exactly the same sound increasing with engine speed. We changed it. But nope still cont. Then changed the Cam belt set. It was still there. Then we found that it is because of the crank felt. It is a silicon felt.But sounds creepy.
  19. Just a quick question... can you buy the wheel bearings on their own?
  20. I can replicate it with a power washer so I know it's that!!!!!

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