225 Gearbox selector

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Jamesycc, Nov 2, 2017.

  1. How easy is the removal of the selector units supposed so be?

    I only ask as I removed the four 10 mm bolts, the 14mm bolt and cables and couldn't get the bugger off.

    It was in neutral before the dissambly started, made sure of that.

    Any hints would he useful.

    @andrewjeffs you've got a bit of experience with these. It's a phase 1 box.

    Cheers james
  2. it will simply be the 2 faces are old,and get jammed together..you will really have to get a good grip on the thing ,and wiggle it as hard as you can to break the seal.
    Jamesycc likes this.
  3. ah ok. I managed to get it to rotate a bit but as you know there isn't a lot to grab to pull up on.

    might see if I can tap a plastic wedge in the gap to lift it.

  4. Have you managed to sort this?

    Have changed the selector on mine. It took some time but like andrew said you need to make sure you have a good grip and wiggle it. Will eventually come out, just gets abit frustrating
    Jamesycc likes this.
  5. Not yet tackled it a second time. Will have to wait a week now as back into work.

    Just need to mtfu with it next time..!
  6. Oh and there will probably be some swearing involved too :grinning:
    Jamesycc likes this.
  7. defo,my mate that used to do ours has a grip like a vice,but on some old 225`s it took everything he had to break the fkn seal....wiggle it as hard as you can with a cloth round it to gain more purchase,and to prtect your hand if it suddenly releases.
    Jamesycc likes this.
  8. cheers. will be more prepared for the fight next time round. might do it with the engine warmed up to see if a bit of residual heat helps.

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