275 Another R-Link thread...

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Skornogr4phy, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. I have a 275 Cup-S with R Link 2. I have working full european maps, and a LIVE connection that is working absolutely fine. The problem is that I can't seem to update to the latest version of Tom Tom maps. The car is just over a year old and when I got it a few months ago, I managed to update to the latest version. When I check for updates on the R-Link store however it tells me all my products are up to date. Do I need to buy the maps again or is there any way I can tell the system that I do already in fact own full European maps?
  2. Asking this question slightly differently, if I buy a map off the Rlink store, is that for a years worth of updates, or is it literally for the one map update?
  3. Not helpful mate, but I dont know. I gave up on R Link and maps updates a long time go. Nothing is ever simple in Renault world.
  4. I know it's easier to just use my phone, but I do like at least trying to use the integrated system. The speed camera alert is a licence saver as well.
  5. I agree on speed camera alerts. I also use maps on my phone for Nav now.
  6. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    I use Tom Tom speed camera app on my phone, it can be used in the background so you can still use your maps, it very good and accurate still works in France, Germany and Belgium :laughing:
  7. Illegal in France though?
  8. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    That why it's good to have as a background app :laughing:

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